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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. https://www.wgal.com/article/pennsylvania-voter-registration-application-fraud-case-widens/62778555 Thousands of voter registration forms were submitted, but only a handful are seen as fraudulent. That looks to be the work of one or two canvassers among hundred of volunteers.
  2. The less people know about elections, the more they talk about fraud. I would suggest that the Trumpers here who talk about election fraud work some shifts as poll monitors, but they are mostly foreigners and aren't eligible. Plus, they aren't in the USA.
  3. I go to Suvarnabhumi tomorrow. As for transgender voting, I have no idea. Do women who have transitioned to male vote the same as men? I don't know.
  4. Your fascination with men in women's showers is irrelevant, since that is a state and county issue, not Federal. The illegal alien issue is Federal, but Trump's big donors are the ones bringing most of the illegals into the country. The only thing that will stop them is if the economy crashes.
  5. Pennsylvania is virtually a lock for Harris, per early voting numbers. Both party registration and gender numbers favor Harris. Does Harris have momentum in the Real World? Probably not. But Trump's gaffes are costing him.
  6. Polymarket has zero predictive value. The odds on that site are driven by a French crypto guy who bet $40 million on Trump. Unless you believe that French guy knows US elections, I wouldn't pay attention to betting sites.
  7. Things you will never see here: A former poll monitor posting here that the 2020 election was stolen.
  8. There was plenty of evidence in 2020 - that the election results were relatively accurate, and free of fraud. If there were widespread fraud, it would be easy to prove. But there wasn't. I'll be happy to walk you through the reality, if you don't believe me. Have you ever worked in any aspect of a US election? It's just the case that you don't feel the election was legit because your Dear Leader lost. And, in your mind, Trump is infallible and weighs only 215 lbs.
  9. There are over 1 million adult transgender types in the US. How many will vote for Trump? Are they listed as male or female in polling?
  10. You are correct about Nevada. It's all about Election Day turnout now, there is no Dem firewall.
  11. You'd better get used to her.
  12. Polls are pretty much useless at this point, but this one is so shocking, it's interesting: Iowa Poll: Kamala Harris leapfrogs Donald Trump to take lead near Election Day. I am not predicting that Harris takes Iowa. After all, this is just one poll. But, it is backed up by early voting data showing a tight race: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/iowa-results 55% of early voters are female. Women are going to vote for Harris whether Trump likes it or not. Party affiliation is 50/50 now. If I were running the Trump campaign, I would be throwing resources at Iowa right now. Election Day turnout is going to decide Iowa, as no one has a firewall.
  13. You are correct. There is one glimmer of hope for Harris, 56% of early voters are female.
  14. You are voting for 10 year old girls to be forced to carry their rapist's baby. Prisons under Trump offered gender-affirming care, NYT reports
  15. We don't live in your world. Tuesday, America decides by how much Donald Trump will lose the election.
  16. The problem isn't Trump's intent. The problem is that Trump spoke so poorly that he had to blow 2 days explaining. As have you. When you are explaining, you are losing.
  17. Is that what your Russian handlers tell you? Putin isn't a threat?
  18. The data showed Hillary losing ground after the Comey announcement. She chose to ignore the data, and took her eye off the Blue Wall. Obviously, Harris is not making that mistake.
  19. Well, that was a pointless post. I guess you were bored. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/early-vote Take a look at this site, lot of early voting data there.
  20. The US military budget is large, because Putin is a threat.
  21. Remember that those rich business owners who hire the illegals are Trump donors. Yes, it's a scam. Voting for Trump is a vote for illegal immigration.
  22. And those employers are Trump donors. Trump never once went after the illegals working for big companies.
  23. You are operating based on faith, I use data. Data trumps faith every time.
  24. You liked his oral sex simulation, I gather.
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