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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Harris will win in November. Trump is a weird old man.
  2. Former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden issued opposing views on the future of Social Security on Monday. While Trump suggested the possibility of cutting "entitlements" on CNBC's "Squawk Box," Biden issued a 2025 budget proposal that states, "No benefit cuts."
  3. Your remarks are off-topic. The topic is Trump's plan to change the relationship between POTUS and DOJ. So, do you approve of Trump's plan to exercise operational control over DOJ?
  4. Trump is so weird that he unintentionally funny sometimes.
  5. Trump speaks to a national audience. Obviously, he had a brain fade and was boasting that he had enough votes to win the election. He's an idiot, that's the only explanation.
  6. Medicare Part D would be required to raise prices on Prescription drugs. People would be forced into Medicare Advantage. Project 2025's authors have called for raising the Social Security retirement age. Project 2025 is evil. Now we are just debating how evil it is.
  7. You have lost the plot. Trump and Project 2025 aim to give operational control of DOJ, with the power to initiate prosecutions and with veto power over potential investigations. That is classic Fascism. Do you approve of Trump's goal?
  8. I leave it up to the ladies. On rare occasions, everything works out.
  9. Your common sense deserts you when you defend your Leader Trump. If POTUS controls DOJ directly, as you claim, explain the prosecution of Hunter Biden, and the investigation of Joe Biden over classified documents. Do you think a President Trump would allow his sons to be indicted *if* Trump had operational control of DOJ?
  10. It's up to the lady what she does. But it is rare that 2 ladies will engage with one another. Sometimes, one will be up for it, but not the other.
  11. The VP can be worth a couple of points in the election. Too bad for Trump.
  12. The authors of Project 2025 were mostly Trump staff, and are likely to be staff again if Trump is elected. Get over it.
  13. JD Vance doesn't seem to have much support among the Trumpers here. Perhaps they are waiting to see if he will suffer the same fate as Liz Truss.
  14. DOJ policy creates a barrier between the President and DOJ operations. Project 2025 would eliminate that barrier and allow POTUS to order prosecutions. If you continue to deny this, you will simply look confused.
  15. Project 2025 openly states their intent concerning Medicare and Social Security.
  16. You are watching way too much FOX News. You don't seem to realize that most of your issues are dealt with at the local level. As for the border, Trump killed the funding to secure the border. And he let 3 million in during his time in office. You need a new Gish Gallop.
  17. If you believe that Kamala Harris is incompetent because of her race, I have to ask how you type while wearing a KKK hood. Hey, do you know how many millions Trump's father gave him to get into business? Trump was such a bad businessman that if he had simply invested those millions in the stock market, he would be rich today.
  18. The plan’s authors do propose making Medicare Advantage the default plan for beneficiaries and ending the Medicare Part D price negotiation program, both proposals that critics say could lead to worse care or increased costs for seniors.  Medicare Advantage, also called Medicare Part C, is not the same as traditional Medicare, also called Medicare Parts A and B. Medicare Advantage are plans offered by private, for-profit health insurers that receive federal funding for offering these plans. Traditional Medicare is public health insurance in which the federal government directly pays for a beneficiary’s covered services. Medicare Part D is Medicare’s prescription drug coverage. One of the plan’s major proposals involves gradually raising the retirement age from 66 or 67 to 69 or 70. Katz shared that raising the retirement age means that people currently relying on Social Security might need to work longer to receive their full benefits, which could potentially impact their retirement plans and financial security.
  19. Former President Donald Trump says he has “no idea” who’s behind the Project 2025 policy blueprint. The authors include his senior energy and environmental appointees. "Stephen Moore, an adviser to the Trump campaign who co-authored the Project 2025 framework, said the policy guide has been misunderstood. “It’s not meant to be a blueprint for Donald Trump — it’s meant to be a blueprint for a conservative president,” Moore said. “We wrote this as our dream scenario,” Moore said of the authors, a list that includes former Trump Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson and former Trump White House aide Peter Navarro, who’s serving in federal prison after he was convicted of contempt of Congress."
  20. Project 2025 was written by Trump's staff. If you believe Trump, you are in trouble.
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