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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Hi This has nothing to do with Thailand. My daughter just got approval to study in USA for three years. US embassy kept her passport after the interview to issue (sticker?) the visa and will mail it to her. Her passport will expire middle of next year. If we want to renew her passport before she leaves for USA in late December does she have to go back to the embassy to get a new sticker in her passport? When a new passport is issued the older one becomes void, right? Of course the other option is to renew it in USA as it gets closer to expiration, it’s just easier, cheaper and quicker if done in Australia. Any advice?
  2. Police General in charge of education. 💪💪💪
  3. Maybe he eats panthers.
  4. Thai style of doing things. As long as there’s something put together the details or accuracy is a bonus.
  5. Another example of a spineless Thai male. Don’t know how to handle adversity.
  6. 90 day tourist ha? It’s fair to say majority of people are employees earning a salary. Employer allowing 3 months off? The ones who’d benefit from this are those with no jobs as described above. Welcome gangsters, plenty of time to set up dodgy businesses in Thailand.
  7. …and then we complain Thai women and vengeful. So he went to a bar alone hooked up with a girl for a short time, his wife found out. So what’s the big deal?????????????
  8. The two main criteria she needs to satisfy are 1-she can financially support herself while in USA without assistance, 2-it is more beneficial for her living in Thailand than USA.
  9. Geez you don’t ask for much. Would you like fries with that? You’re asking for trouble my friend if you’re asking advice on how to do it. If you’re good and ready it should come naturally to you.
  10. So vlad was fooling around with his lady? Watch out for Putin’s men kidnapping him and straight to the Ukrainian front. They can use brave soldiers right now. Btw did he flee on foot or drove away?
  11. Manwhore. Women pay me to give them pleasssssure.
  12. What the police is really saying is that a brown envelope was delivered but not sure the content was adequate for total exoneration. Pending the next envelope’s content a decision will be made accordingly.
  13. If you choose the risk to ride a bike with wife and baby on board especially at night with presumably no protection gear then you should take into account possibility of such circumstances.
  14. I drive an Eclass Benz. You get out of my way. Don’t you know who I am?
  15. That has to be reason for jailing him. Someone trying to tell him who the real boss is. Doubt if he’ll do more than a few months but the point was made to him.
  16. Suggested by police officers in the field. Camouflage to blend in with people is a good idea. Otherwise here comes the cops, hide the cash. Is he a police officer who just took some money from that shop?
  17. Don’t spoil the fun man. It’s exciting buying a lottery ticket dreaming of riches up to the draw. He’ll get a kick out of having his name on it, decorating and renovating it to his taste, feeling satisfied supervising the grand opening etc. it’s fun. Staff stealing, not showing up, police visiting for monthly envelopes, not breaking even are not important if he’s having fun. Right? ????????????
  18. Let him stay. He’s already behaving like a Thai. Blaming stress and substance abuse for his indiscretions. Next he’ll buy a mc and crash into something blaming brake failure.
  19. Get real guys. You don’t know why this was set up? Let me explain. The organizers do things like this for themselves meaning patting each other on the back for the beautiful PowerPoint presentations, chance to have free lunch at a hotel, beef up their resume for a promotion, etc. mc taxi or delivery is Mafia run so any changes will come from mafia bosses not government. Those changes are not beneficial to Mafia businesses so can’t be implemented.
  20. Maybe it was 2200 rupees which is less than 1000฿ which in turn fits well with an Indian tourist budget for a month (sharing everything with 10 other friends).
  21. Careless of the phone owner to not have the phone locked after a lapsed time. Also being able to withdraw money without entering a password is weird. He doesn’t deserve it of course but he’s silly.
  22. Doesn’t make sense. How do you go from billionaire and buying a couple of cars and a few other luxury items to being almost broke. Where’s the hundreds of millions that have gone missing. The story isn’t painting an accurate picture. Btw it’s good to see rich Thai farts also getting fleeced.
  23. I urge you to come forward to face the consequences. So inviting. Among things that bother me in Thailand is the hot and run. Says so much about their attitude and human solidarity. RIP.
  24. Some ladies I agree. My lady and those in the past never needed assistance from those objects (to the best of my knowledge that is). ????????????
  25. Wrong wrong wrong. Thai men are not well known for being good at it. I believe it makes them feel inadequate seeing and watching in action something they wish they could do well but can’t mostly due to size and stamina. Don’t like losing face so ban them.
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