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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. 24 minutes ago, Liquorice said:

    There are two things you can do.

    1. Make a Will leaving the funds to your g/f.
    2. Add her to your FT account by way of power of attorney at the bank. Her name does not appear on any letters, the passbook or any statements in this situation.


    In the case of being legally married, if either one of the above is followed, the bank will immediately release funds on proof of a death certificate.
    In the case of a g/f the bank requires a Court Order to release the funds, but either of the above two steps shows your intent to the Court and very easy to obtain the Court order.

    I have assisted a good number of Thai widows following their foreign husbands death. Apart from one occasion earlier this year when Bangkok Bank agreed to pay out the funds from husbands sole account to the widow with production of the death certificate....NO WILL.... all other Thai banks have insisted on Thai probate. Thai law states that when someone dies intestate (no Will)  only a portion of the assets go to the widow, yet Bangkok Bank ignored that fact!!!!!!!



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  2. 8 hours ago, Peterphuket said:

    When something happens to yourself, for example you die, the money (800.000 thb) is no longer available or accessible to anyone.

    That was for me the main reason to use for the first time, after many years a agent.

    It cost me now 19500 thb, including multiple entry for a whole year, but have to accept it.

    If you have a Will, you can leave your assets to whoever you wish. The 800,000baht will go to whoever you name in your will. Might need a lawyer to obtain Thai probate though.

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  3. 2 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    2pm to 5pm is an inconvenience if trying to buy at a supermarket, while many bars, restaurants and family shops are open, presumably paying off the police when required. 


    As for tourists I would expect their hotels serve alcohol if required, at all times. 


    If scrapped, winners are bars, restaurants, supermarkets and family shops, losers would be police and maybe hotels. 


    So who has the biggest clout to retain or dismiss this law?


    Just as ridiculous having to wait till 11 am to buy alcohol




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  4. 14 minutes ago, outsider said:

    Whatever happened to ban on travelling in back of pick-ups?


    Exactly the same thing that happened to bans/rulings on helmets, seat belts, DUI, using mobile devices while driving, speeding, riding on pavements, driving/riding against flow, parking etc. etc. - you name it. What happened to all that? Basically nothing. The square-root of jack! Lest one forgets, TiT. When they vow to crackdown on this and enforce that, that's all they are doing - vowing. It's basically hot air. Nothing will happen. When something does happen, the knees will jerk a little, then 'mai bphen rai' and 'sabai sabai' will kick in and everything will be back to 'normal'.



    Sad but true!

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  5. 3 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Irrelevant if the OP's father wants his wife to have everything.

    The point was that originally he didn't want the wife to have the UK assets. After the wife raisied a stink he is giving her the UK house.  One of the conditions of making/remaking a Will is that the the person is of sound mind. One must assume the solicitor is satisfied he is.  Sorry for the daughter who it seems will end up with nothing.

  6. Sorry to hear of the new probems with the Thai Wife. Doesn't she have enough properties in Thailand to live in? Your Dad says she needs the UK house to live in after obtaining citizenship.  Has that been applied for.? If not living permanently in the UK, unlikely it will be granted.  Not something that is granted overnight! Even widows I have helped here in Thailand who had citizenship, have no desire to live in the UK after the death of their husbands.

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