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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. 4 minutes ago, donx said:

    My understanding is that the daughter wants all UK assets to go to her and all Thai assets to go to the wife. I could be wrong, but that is how I read one of her response posts.

    You are correct donx, and I have amended my earlier post . The daughter is indeed seeking the UK assets, and that was how the original, now invalid Will was worded.  At present, if and when the Father dies, his UK assets go to his Wife via intestacy. If the Father wants his UK assets to go to his daughter, as was his original intention prior to marriage, then he MUST make a new Will.  He must also make a Thai Will to ensure all assets in Thailand go to his wife and are not shared with the daughter


    In the event that the Father should die before a new UK Will can be drawn up, I would imagine the daughter (Holly) would have a valid liability claim against the solicitor who advised the original Will was still legally standing..

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  2. 18 minutes ago, donx said:

    You mention that a simple Thai Will can be drawn up so that the wife inherits all Thai assets. What about the UK assets? Can those be directed to the daughter using the same Thai Will?

    If Wills are required, then separate Wills for the UK and Thailand are required. The Wife automatically inherits in the UK, by virtue of intestacy,  If there are any assets in Thailand (ie bank account, motor vehicles condo) in Fathers name, then a Will would be required to ensure the wife receives all and does not share with daughter.  Foreigners  are not able to own land in Thailand, despite the father's attestations. They can technically own buildings/houses on land owned by a Thai, but that is very unusual.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Holly Huntaway said:

    The UK will was checked over last week by a Solicitor last week and was confirmed as still legally standing. As his wife is domiciled and technically still a resident of Thailand she will not entitled to any assets held in the UK. Unless she wishes to attest it. If that is the case, I could claim 50% of the properties in Thailand which I would not want to do.

    Sorry Holly, but I disagree totally with the UK Solicitor. I have had years of experience here in Thailand helping Thai widows of British expats obtain their just dues. Hot and Sticky is correct with every point he made.


    UK law stipulates that a will drawn up prior to marriage is null and void upon marriage, UNLESS it was drawn up just prior to and specifically in anticipation of that marriage.


    With no current legal Will, the Thai wife inherits your Fathers UK assets by virtue of the UK intestacy rules, and shares any Thai assets with you. If you wish to ensure the wife inherits all Thai assets, should there be any, then a simple Thai Will is required, which can be drawn up online, and sent to you for your father to sign.

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  4. Wouldlike to PM you, but this seems to be disabled. Please contact me -I can help


    Basically your dad married AFTER he made his Will. As such the Will is null and void. With no new Will his UK assets go automatically to his wife. Here in Thailand, with no Will, if he has any assets in his name, then if he dies intestate (no Will) they are legally split 50/50 between his wife and his children.

    If that suits, then no need to make a new Will.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    A lot of Thai People take 'Monks' too seriously; especially Women who seem to think that they are some sort of 'Guru' with all healing powers and magical ways of predicting the future...mainly Lottery Numbers !


    Truth is they are just normal Men wearing Orange Robes and many are there because of bad behaviour of some sort and believe they will be absolved from all responsibilty, guilt or blame for 'all' wrongdoing.  So; excercise for them is similar to exercise for Prisoners in Jail !

    Couldn't agree more.  They are indeed just normal men, except that they are barred from having direct contact with women. Just like most Thais. who believe in Buddha, they are the same, without the need to work or take care of family. They have no additional powers whatsoever, as the majority of Thai women like to believe. Treat them with respect, but no need to fawn over them, bow and scrape etc.

  6. I used to work alongside the Health and Safety Executive in the UK 40+ years ago. They would make random checks on business of all types, and if something was found dangerous, and could not be fixed immeiately, the business would be closed down, until such time as all requirements had been complied with.


    With my background, I am ashamed at the Thai authorities, who only check when forced to, and then  just report their findings. All such clubs in Pattaya, and all and any other businesses in Thailand should immediately be shut down until all safety features are fully implemented

    • Like 2
  7. 22 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    Mr. Watchman, 77 years old, is now the caretaker PM. I don't expect any progress for the country.

    He can join 78 year old Biden or wannabe Trump who I think is 75.  No matter how clever these people think they are, or may even be, their bodies cannot keep up with the job.  There should be mandatory retirement for ALL politicians worldwide at 65

    • Like 2
  8. Somewhere there is a list of penalties for motoring infractions. Some penalties are very low, some seem to ignore the dangers involved, like jumping red lights, with a very modest penalty, and driving  when drunk or worse, causing an accident when drunk carry the harshest penalties. Unfortunately those dishing out the penalties are easily swayed, and frequently ignore what the penalty should be.   Far better for every one breaking the law to be taken to a court of law (magistrates court in the UK), and be sentenced there in accord with the book of rules.. None of this "do you know who I am"?  Even royalty in the UK are fined for traffic infringements and correctly so!

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