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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Perhaps they should make a radical change and start compulsory lesson hours starting at junior high school level.


    Structured lessons conducted by selected appropriate police officers who can get the attention of the kids (all with well constructed diagrams in compulsory handouts) , and the initial lessons focus on 'the rules of the road' (traffic laws). There's rgular tests and each kid has a progressive profile of test scores. 


    Ultimately must pass a consolidated exam before they can get a permit to start driving lesssons which must be conducted by licensed driving instructors.


    Pie in the sky? Probably yes.

    Let the kids be indoctrinated with driving rules and laws at school instead of indoctrinated  in religion. They will learn soon enough about the afterlife if they fail to understand how to drive.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Asquith Production said:

    Most Thais dont have 10000 to pay for fines. So where do you go from there? Sell there property? Throw them in prison and fill the prisons with traffic offenders. You have to have a realistic system in place for it to work otherwise it will fail.

    An even better reason not to break the law!. Thais can find money if they need to. Stop the gambling, drinking and monk donations.   Hold on to the confiscated vehicle beyond the initial 3 months, and sell after 6/12 months if fines not paid.  

  3. 3 hours ago, CM Dad said:

    If medical insurance is required then it should be available without age limits and pre-existing conditions need to be dealt with equitably.  

    so the fit subsidise the unhealthy???????.  One must plan when coming to Thailand, and if the funds or insurance are not there to look after yourself, then stay home

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