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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. There are laws, which when not enforced likely contribute to the accident rate. Whether driving when drunk or with drugs inside, overloaded motorbikes, people in the rear of pick-ups, or a whole host of motoring infractions, including speeding , regardless of whether the transgressor is a Thai, tourist, foreigner or whatever, they should all be prosecuted to the full extent of Thai law.  Knowing that their refusal to obey the law will cost them one way or another, may just make them think twice and save much injury and death..  Nobody much cares at the moment, because its "what we do and what we have always done and the police will just turn a blind eye"!

    • Thanks 2
  2. Farangs in Pattaya have in my 35 years  experience here in Thailand, regularly been told by police, following an accident, that if they weren't here the accident would not have happened. The same could be said of the 4 people on the motorbike, except that they should not have all been on the same motorbike!. That does not excuse the allegedly intoxicated foreigner in any way,  but simply had the 4 on the bike obeyed Thai law, they would not have been injured.

    • Thanks 2
  3. 20 minutes ago, DezLez said:

    I was basically told I had to sign up to the account, pay the £20 (into my new account-not a fee as such) and then I could find out the fees and how it operated!!


    No thanks!


    I have UK bank accounts and will stick with using Wise to send from a UK a/c to Thailand.


    I just cannot find out what, if any, are the advantages of a "Wise" account if you already have a UK High Street a/c!


    None really, except if you pay through Wise, you get more than if you transfer bank to bank and take TT rates.


    However, one small advatage. If you have a borderless account, and top up the account first before arranging a transfer you invariably get more than you would if you transfer the money from your bank to meet the transfer charge. Not a lot, but pays for a beer or 2.????

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 34 minutes ago, foreverlomsak said:

    That is what Wise say, but in my experience when I tried to arrange for both my private pensions to be paid into Wise both providers refused, only one provided any form of reason why, "head office have advised that as Wise is a financial institution and not a bank, pension payments cannot be made direct to them."

    That is not the fault of Wise, I have heard that some pension funds will not pay pensions to Wise - that is their prerogative

  5. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:


    "new blue UK passports are now being issued, why is ones date of birth, and the issue and expiry date of the new passport written in both English and FRENCH"


    Better ask the Home Office.  Or read this...


    Thank you  That answers my question,

    • Like 1
  6. If one has no UK bank account and has private and occupational pensions sent direct to Thailand there is no control oveer the exchange rate. You get the TT rate on the day of arrival. With a Wise borderless account, pensions can be paid into it automatically, and moved as and when you want at the rate you are offered. There is no time limit to transfer money held in a Wise account.

    • Like 1
  7. Slightly adrift, but the same topic...fire safety and limited exits.


    I have had occasion to write to Lotus's regarding one of their branches, where the main entrance/exit has reduced space due to 2 stalls being set up inside the entrance/exit area.  Just last week, during a heavy rainstorm, the entrance/exit was completely blocked by shoppers with their trolleys reluctant to leave and get wet, causing problems and no thought or consideration for those behind, who just wanted out!  It could so easily have been a fire or a bomb or something similar. No response to date!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    It would make no difference. Apart from there being very few inspectors - something that is common throughout the world - as soon as they leave the premises the doors would be locked again.

    In the UK, the HSE make snap visits at any time of the day and night (or they did 35 years ago)  - no appointment or forewarning given.   Let them make a snap visit and if all is not as it was previously (ie alterations, locked or blocked fire exits) then close them permanently.  That will keep the bosses on their toes.


    Some 40 years ago, having been ejected from factory premises that I was conducting a Fire risk management survey of, for asking that all fire exit doors on each of 6 floors be unlocked, I tipped off my partner who just happened to be one of the few female HSE Inspectors. A visit was made to the factory within 3 days, and they were shut down!

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