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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. 56 minutes ago, TimBKK said:

    Relatively speaking it seems pretty strong for what was likely an innocuous event.  And/or highlights the absurdity of some of the Covid policies still in place.

    BUT, they are still in place, whether you think rightly or wrongly, and it up to Joe public to adhere to such rules and the police to enforce them. Don't follow the rules, you suffer the consequences!

  2. Why "could face a jail sentence"  Either every drunk driver does or does not. A court in one province will invariably treat a drunk motorist differnetly from a drunk motorist in an adjoining province.

    Lets have some clarity from the government.   EVERY motorist  (motorbikes included)  will be imprisoned for a minimum period (say 6 months), have the vehicle confiscated and banned from driving from life  That will make people think, and its clear and concise!

    Nobody........and I mean nobody needs to be imprisoned, or banned from driving for life is they just obey the law!

  3. Does anyone know whether a beneficiary (usually a wife husband or partner) can be named on a savings account, so that upon death the money automatically transfers to the beneficiary. Have recently been advised that someone has this from Kasikorn, but my earlier enquiries suggested it was not possible.  Then only way to avoid Thai probate after death would  appear to be a joint account.   It does however seem to be common practice in the US.

  4. 11 minutes ago, DRD123 said:

    If only there was some official group that could hand out fines for terrible driving,speeding , driving too close etc...what do they call those fellas again???



    You get my point, until there are 1000-5000 baht daily fines handed out nothing will change. It would be a massive source of income for these same lads i cannot remember what they are supposed to do again...what is it...enforce laws or something....IDK never really seem any one enforce laws around here.


    So the bodies pile up. More than covid and i dont make light of it very very sad.


    Hope they can find some official group to enforce traffic laws one day.

    Fines alone don't work.  Confiscate the vehicle for min imum 1 month, regardless of who owns it, whether it is rented, and what and where the pasengers are from.  Disgorge them all and leave them to their own devices

  5. 23 minutes ago, TheScience said:

    This is fixable only by jailing offenders for even small offences.


    Maybe sit in jail as little as an afternoon or a lifetime but jail is the only thing that will wake this population up. No fines. Jail.


    Possibly impounding vehicles might help as well. Same idea. One day, month, year... lose the vehicle.

    EXACTLY. Take away their freedom and "toys"  That I feel sure is the only way they will learn to do things properly

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  6. 4 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    Sorry, but it was an accident. One of them just admitted to swerving the boat accidentally, causing the unfortunate lady to fall and probably be injured by the propeller. Nothing to do with investigative journalism.

    The fact that they tried to cover it up initially was pathetic and should be prosecuted.


    One of them just admitted to swerving the boat accidentally, ,,,,,A suggested afterthought - perhaps?

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  7. 7 hours ago, sleepwalker999 said:

    Stupid tradition that only seems to be carried out by idiotic hi-so families and the ultra-conservative lot.

    Not so. far more prevalant amongst the poos Isaan families.  Generally the girls mother takes the cash part of the dowry and allows the dughter to have the 2/3 bt of gold. In better families, the dowry is just for show, and the money paid is returned to the happy couple, tohelp them to cmmence their married lfe together..............AS IT SHOULD BE!

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