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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. Plus the automatic entry on to a dual carriageway in the outside lane and staying there indefinitely, causing many other vehicles the need to "undertake"
  2. I am told Kasikorn will not allow a signatory on a sole account
  3. I was told 2 days ago that KTB will open an account with just 1 name, but allow a 2nd signature to be put on the book, and that on production of the book and ID the 2nd person can make withdrawals alone. This of course would be very useful, after death of the account holder especially when immigration money is involved and a sole account is required by them
  4. Just seen your post Bank is Kasikorn
  5. The £2,000 bereavement payment ceased in 2016. Similarly Widowed parents Allowances (for their children) also ceased at the same time. There are no DWP Bereavement benefits for Thai widows, unless they are in the UK when their husband dies,
  6. You can make voluntary NI contributions to cover some missed years. 35 NI contributions are required for a full UK state pension. If you should die before receiveing state pension, or just after having made voluntary contributions to increase the pension, there are no refunds! Upon death, there are no benefits for either Thai Wife or children, unless they were living with you in the UK at time of death. Benefits for them ceased in 2016 when the new pension rules came out.
  7. Were you not there, aiding and abetting? ????
  8. Not so. Don't forget VFS do not return the new passports either by EMS or courier.. They have to be collected
  9. When contacting HMPO. he will need to provide the reference number supplied by VFS when he submitted
  10. Your earlier post suggested as much in your photo from the Embassy????
  11. Religion, should ALWAYS be a personal, private matter, and politics of any country should recognise that fact.
  12. A Thai lady I am assisting has a joint bank account with her deceased farang husband, He died 9 years ago. The ATM card expired 6/7 years ago. She has a monthly widows pension from the UK paid into this account. She withdraws every month by visiting the bank. The bank book now has many attached sheets of paper, and last week the bank said "No more" She must have a new book and because her husband is dead, she must produce the death certificate. In the meantime she canot withdraw, IS THAT LEGAL???. Surely she has every right to withdraw from a joint account I imagine when she produces the death certificate, the account will be closed, and she will need to advise the pension fund of a new bank account.
  13. Thats what i did. Just live together. But when I realised after 2/3 years that there was no UK DWP Bereavement benefits, nor occupational pension for a partner or children (we had 1 then), we popped down to the amphur and regstered a marriage. No family no nothing. Offered to take Mum out for a meal in the evening but she declined. That was 21 years ago......still together, Now no DWP Bereavement benefits whether married or not, whilst partners are now eligible for occupational pensions!
  14. I would recommend you don't stir up a hornets nest!
  15. And more than a few gynecologists too ????
  16. Whatever a Thai groom might be expected to pay, out here in Isaan, in all likliehood, he would borrow it from a loan shark at 5%-10% a month, and the happy couple would then be indebted for years to come just so Mum and Dad can keep face.. Seen it happen many times out in the villages. Time to put an end to this ridiculous custom once and for all.
  17. I think it is the so called law that the police make upon the spot when they demand to see farang ID, and then release you of 500baht for not having your passport with you
  18. It will also be interesting to see what time scale VFS mention.
  19. One can only hope that the recent improvement in time is not just a case of HMPO clearing the decks before Christmas and New Year but will continue in 2023 and hopefully get back to the 3/4 weeks it was pre-Covid.
  20. NO. But 130% mark up is taking the <deleted>!
  21. 115bt for a Large Chang!!!!!!!!!!!! Can buy a box of 12 for 600bt. which works out at 50bt/bottle. Ridiculous mark-up!
  22. Best Heart Hospital I found was Queen Sirikit at Khon Kaen Doctors speak good English, prices half of what I was quoted in Korat for a defibrillator.
  23. Order Cash on Delivery. If it is late coming and the goods might have perished, refuse delivery.
  24. Well over 30 years ago, there was a break-in at my home in Pattaya. Not much stolen and nobody at home. 13 (yes thirteen) police attended for the pointing photoshoot. Next day a senior policeman visited, and tried but failed to sell me his gun for 6,000baht. He told me that I had every right to shoot any intruder, BUT, if I did, as a farang, to say it was my wife who used the gun!
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