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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. regardless of the reason, murder is murder and warrants death
  2. One offence warrants a hefty fine as a minimum . Repeats warrant ever increasing custodial sentences. Sharia Law would likely as not punish offenders with hand amputation!
  3. Having killed the buyer, police should have shot to kill him. Now it will take months if not years to convict him, and doubtless he will be released long before he dies.
  4. Of course not. Most Thais only have full (comprehensive) insurance for the first year when buying a new car (usually given free) Just compulsory after that-------if that!!!!!!!!! Monks, especially abbots, don't need comprehensive...assuming they drive.....Their flock will always see them right!!!!!!!!!!
  5. If you are in Udon, then you are not too far from Khon Kaen. I recommend the Queen Sirikit Heart Hospital there. Had stents done in Bangkok, for much the same price as was quoted, but later had a defibrillator inserted under my left shoulder for about 60% of the price quoted by Bangkok Hospital. Excellent service, very helpful doctors...thoroughly recommended.
  6. So what happens next? A few wais? Brown envelopes? or will MURDERER feel the full force of the law?
  7. Royalty, monks, hi-so's and many others..............all above the law.. He caused damage, because he was unfamilair with driving. If no driving licence, haul him into court, fine him and forbid him from holding a licence at any time in the future. Make him scrub the temple floors to repay the money that belongs to the wat!
  8. Half naked too.................I was once stopped for not wearing a shirt!
  9. NO. Only reprot to the local police station when your alien reg is expiring (usually 5 years)
  10. Same with me..they kept the old blue book. Having travelled 400 miles to Bangkok to renew (local immi offices could not renew)was told to come back in 3 days...could not renew there and then. When I returned, the old book was taken from the drawer it was originally put in..nothing had been done, and I had to wait about an hour for them to issue a new book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Following on from that, has anyone ever tried to get a new Alien registration book? Local police station have no idea, and are quite happy adding sheets of paper which they sign evey 5 years.
  11. Exactly.. 5 years hard labour.....Publicise it nationally so that all the scum will know they will receive the same as a minimum if they cause problems. Forget the bloody wais!!
  12. The OP will need to advise DWP that he has permanently moved to Thailand, and like many of us he will have a frozen pension
  13. Whether passport applications are submitted to VFS Bangkok or Chiang mai an appointment has to be made to submit. I believe Bangkok VFS accepts applications every weekday other than between 12.00 -1.00pm, whilst CM does not accept every day. When requesting an appointment is it requested that 3 days/times are indicated. If a popular time is chosen then the appointment is often fixed 10 or more days in advance and not necessarily as requested. All the recent Thai holidays have also slowed things down at this end.
  14. Yes.......we are guests here and our comments on things should in the main be private rather than public, BUT, most of us have wives/partners, and many of us have children here, and it is only correct that we show concern for them and their futures, especially where we see total foolhardiness by those who are supposed to look after the Thai people in general.
  15. the 400 elected parliamentarians plus the 100 party list members with the exception ofthe military parties need to work out a plan for PITA to be elected PM,without any need to involve the 250 senators. Just make them pointless and worthless!
  16. The senators surely have friends and families, and unlikely they all think alike and could use their influence......................unless of course they all live in free military housing and have been brainwashed!
  17. The MFP could do a deal with Anutin and his party, allowing them to continue with their marijuana journey uninterrupted, in return for their votes for PITA.
  18. No earthly reason why it should rest with the senate. If Prayut and Prawit have acknowledged defeat, then surely they could -and should - along with their group members do the gentlemanly thing and vote for PITA as Prime Minister. No need then for either the senate or Anutin and his weed mates to have a say
  19. People who live in glass houses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vote buying was rife as usual in Isaan. Punish them all!
  20. Khatoeys,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Everyone understands that! Always beware, and have your knee/foot ready to hit them hard--very hard --in the balls!
  21. Whilst on the subject of widows and partners pensions, it is as well to be aware of the following, and perhaps investigate Armed Forces Pensions will sometimes pay a reduced widows or partners pension when the marriage or partnership commenced after the initial retirement pension payment started. Where a claim is made for a widow or partner, I have come across a couple of cases where the relationship with widow or partner, needed to have been for a minimum 1 year to be able to claim. In one case 2 years were specified! Providing evidence for a marriage is easy, but often not so for a partnership. I would strongly recommend to anyone with a partner to make a Will naming the partner as a beneficiary and showing the same address, opening a joint bank account, and where property is rented have a joint rental contract. In 2 cases it took more than 1 year to convince 2 UK banks that a partnership existed.
  22. Envelopes being distributed this morning in my village. Just containing money....nothing else. The distributors (villagers) quote 2 candidates numbers, but nothing is written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A comment allegedly made was that if you don't vote we take the money back!
  23. When the time comes, your wife, or someone on her behalf, who can write in English can claim the pension for her and forward all the necessary documents. Does not need to be a Canadian. The main thing is that whoever deals with your government pension understands what is required and can duly provide said requirements
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