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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. A pink card s only valid in the province in which it's issued. largely depends where the airport is. Air Asia refused my card!
  2. and a bar cashier to boot!
  3. Unfortunately as we all know, whole life is never that. The scum would probably be out living a normal life again in just a few years with parole and "pardons"! Also think of the taxpayer money to keep hm for life. A bullet is cheaper!
  4. Murder, for whatever reason, and regardless whether one admits it, warrants DEATH!
  5. "I value life and the death penalty devalues it." What utter nonsense. I am sure most of us value life, but when ones life is deliberately removed by a murderer, the murderers life warrants being devalued.........wiped out in its entirety!"...............subject to the normal safeguards
  6. SOD ALL to do with any religion! Murder is murder and all murderers should die along with their victims. No excuses. No diminished responsibility. All murderers clearly have diminished responsibility and a few if not a lot of loose screws! Not just murderers, but rapists. drug pushers, terrorists and many others. HOWEVER, capital punishment should only be applied, where there is 100% total proof of guilt. When not, LIFE Imprisonment...meaning life, not a reduced spell behind bars and parole in next to no time. And hard labour to boot!
  7. Bail............how very convenient. They have money enough to buy themselves refuge anywhere outside Thailand. Perhaps bump into them on my overseas travels
  8. Depends where you live. I live in Isaan and have never been impressed with local hospitals. I Have had stents and a defibrillator fitted, and can thoroughly recommend Quen Sirikit Hospital in Khon Kaen. Don't go telling the hospital what you want. Let them check you and decide what if any scans you need.
  9. Russians, Brits, Germans, whoever NAME AND SHAME!
  10. Murder, rape, child abuse and many others are all crimes that should that should receive a death sentence
  11. Whatever the reasons, one person is dead and the murderer should die too. All murderers deserve the death penalty.
  12. So the scumbag breaks her ribs last month, and instead of being charged and imprisoned for violent assault#, he is moved from one police station to another WTF!!!!!!!! Now he murders her! Only 1 penalty ..........that would be a death sentence.
  13. If the "husband" could not be bothered to provide for his "wife", why on earth should she splash out for his funeral? Did the husband perhaps have a proper job back in his home country once upon a time. and up to now pay him a retirement pension? Whilst not legally married, she is a partner, and most employers pay partners similarly to widows. Worth checking.
  14. I'd rather avoid the temple, the chanting disinterested monks, the villagers hanging around for days on end for free food and booze etc. Throw my body to the crocodiles. They will be happy
  15. The law is the law. It applies to all, regardless of ones name or position in life or the country.. Cut the bastard down to size!
  16. If you cannot be bothered to visit a family member regularly during their life, why bother to attend the funeral?
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 79 seconds  
  18. should not be limited to Thailand. A death sentence is warranted for murder, rape. kiddy fiddling, drug smuggling and terrorism, and no doubt other serious crimes
  19. In Buriram, where both sets of traffic facing each other at traffic lights receive a green light at the same time. No right turn arrow. YET, those wishing to turn right seem to think they can turn against the oncoming traffic and it is their right. Total ignoramuses.
  20. Saves all the nonsense of of lawyers, appeals, plus a likely 10 year prison sentence reduced to 5. Best he took his own life than received a death sentence which would never be acted upon..
  21. Have had PR for 34 years now. From memory cost 20,000bt. Yes I do need a reentry permit if I leave the country, but a multi entry is valiod for 1 year. Problem nowadays with both PR and citizenship is the ability to be reasonably fluent in Thai. Difficult for many
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