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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. The new British passport cannot be sent by courier as the old one has to be shown and cancelled by VFS. Cutting the corner off cannot be done by the passport holder and the old one cannot be cancelled upon application as it still needs to be valid whilst staying in Thailand. We are told we cannot travel on the current passport whilst a new one is being processed, as it has been "electronically cancelled" Surely this is sufficient and new passports could be couriered -but seemingly not!!!!!!!!!
  2. Perhaps Onpreya, the victims wife - or maybe his children, would like to be the executioners!
  3. Not strange at all to mention his future. He is a MURDERER by his own admission, and should receive the extreme punishment for his crime
  4. Future plans suggest that after serving his sentence, Suntree might return to his home province of Udon Thani, where arrangements could be made for him to receive plots of land to lead a stable life. Monk or no monk, or indeed regardless of who murdered Suppapong, or why, future plans should be a charge of murder, a court hearing and a death sentence for murder.
  5. Nothing ever will, no matter how many bits you chop off and add on.
  6. I have had Thai Residency for over 30 years. Saves the 90 day hassle and yearly extensions. However I have never seen the need to take matters further and go for citizenship.
  7. All sports teams should automatically be segregated by biological sex. . Legal action is/should be totally unnecessary.
  8. High time these minimal punishments were increased to deal with the severity of the crime. Why not a death sentence> let the scum wielding deadly weapons know what will happen to them if they go ahead with their criminal acts. Don't do it, no death sentence! Section 8 of the Act on Firearms, Ammunition, Explosive, Fireworks, and Imitation Firearm: carrying a knife in a public place without permission and necessary. The punishment will be imprisonment for up to five years, a fine of up to 10,000 baht, or both. Section 297 of the Criminal Law for assaulting another person resulting in serious injury. The penalty is imprisonment between six months to 10 years and a fine between 10,000 and 200,000 baht.
  9. Totally agree. For 10 years they believed all the rubbish he spouted, then had sex with him. Complete Idiots are born every dayand these 2 happened to marry each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Anyone committing a criminal offence with a deadly weapon, (Thai, Chinese, Farang or whoever), whether the weapon is used to kill, injure or just threaten, should receive a DEATH SENTENCE
  11. Incomplete! A countersignature on the application form is also required if your appearance has changed significantly from the current passport. One photo also needs to be signed as per the wording shown on the application. A signed photo alone is insufficient.
  12. Flybird was one of the first - if not the first condo built in Pattaya. 30 odd years ago, when I lived in Pattaya, it was something of a dump then, but as has been said above was home to many bar and go-go girls. Good for short-times!🥰
  13. My main point was the unreasonable times permitted for collecting new passports 14.00 - 15.00 hours! VFS are open all day, so why not able to collect anytime they are open?
  14. I would recommend keeping your Will at home along with a list of all your assets that are to be dealt with by the Will upon your death. Let your spouse/partner know where it is. Keep the Will as simple and straightforward as possible. Just state facts, no embellishments praising the beneficiaries etc. One page is quite normal unless there are many beneficiaries. If only one beneficiary, no need to list all assets - just a simple statement leaving everything to ...................... If more than one page, the bottom of each page is signed. When Thai beneficiaries involved, make sure their Thai ID number is shown
  15. Quite disgraceful that new British passports can only be collected between 14.00 and 15,00hours. Difficult enough for those that have to travel long distances (ie Phuket) to collect a new passport, then have to hang around until 14.00hours to collect. Thai citizens who apply for visas to foreign countries can have their passports returned by Courier/EMS Post. BUT NOT US FARANGS!!!!!!!!!!! VFS say that the have insufficient staff. Easy solution EMPLOY MORE!!!!!!!!!!! Then allow passport collection throughout the whole day or post them out as Hong Kong used to do.
  16. When a farang is imprisoned, he becomes personna no grata and is deported.
  17. Lets hear what happeded to the plastics factoru management who employed the illegals. Monkey house??
  18. Blame it all on the changes of ownership Thai Visa has undergone.
  19. Totally correct. There is no payment of lost pension payable just because you return permanently.
  20. In which case one must carefully consider whether they should leave the UK. I have heard many foreigners say they have no health insurance, but would return to their home country if they needed healthcare. In many cases that is not possible, when they are suddenly struck down with a health problem.
  21. She would have to join the queue, for any serious treatment. Immigrants and refugees seem to get priority these days
  22. An 87-year-old British woman is grappling with her move to Thailand as she struggles to survive on a UK state pension frozen at just £300 per month, equivalent to approximately 14,000 baht. In reality it is likely £300 every 28 days. Up here in Isaan, most labourers earn less than 14,000bt/month, but manage to support a wife and family on that! Healthcare problems affect us all.............that is why it is essential that every foreigner contemplating a full time move to Thailand has adequate health insurance
  23. Whoever settles in a country that is not their original country, regardless of their religion, is a guest of the host country. As such the host country deems how long they may stay and under what conditions. If any guest (or one of their immediate family) commits a crime, then as well as being punished in the host country for that crime, they should subsequently be deported back to where they originated. As for the granting of citizenship to all and sundry after just a few years.......FOR WHAT?? Stay, behave yourselves, abide by the host country's laws and you can stay indefinitely. And PAY YOUR OWN WAY, no handouts of the host countries tax money for healthcare, unemployment pensions etc! If that does not meet a guests requirements or needs, they can depart at any time
  24. Most of the others arrested/accused for lese majeste violations have been locked up -no bail - until their court hearings. Whilst I disagree with that treatment, as long as it continues one can only hope that nobody so accused is treated any differently no matter who they are or who they know.
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