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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. Better the sales person gets some commission rather than none, if I take my order to Honda or MG MG offered me a promo 100,000bt discount if I buy this month, but the wife was not impressed with the car
  2. I am about to buy/order a new Toyota. Can arrange my own insurance rather than free insurance for 1 year and have been offered a 20,000bt discount. Free film, free full tank of petrol, but what about a discount for full cash payment? Anyone been successful?
  3. First......read the thread............Following her arrest, the proprietor confessed to running a sex trade involving minors, charging clients between 2,000 to 2,500 baht (US$54 to US$68) per service, with a 500 baht ($14) commission for herself. Whether the clients are guilty will rather depend if they knew what they were paying for Second......In advocating a death sentence for sexual crimes against children, plus murder, armed robbery and various other crimes, It would always be subject to irrevocable proof, such as CCTV or immediate witnesses
  4. I have long advocated a death penalty for sex crimes against children. Whether committing the sex act oneself or supplying the child to others for sexual acts is little different. Similarly it matters not whether the guilty person is male or female. DEATH SENTENCE WARRANTED!!!!!
  5. Chonburi is not just Pattaya. Very many Thais from Bangkok visit Bang Saen at weekends
  6. years and years ago in Pattaya after my home was broken into, I was told by the police to get a gun One policeman offered to sell me his gun for 6,000baht I declined. However, he told me it was permissible to shoot an intruder, but if it happened, to say that the wife shot him and not me!!!!!!!!!
  7. The would be MAN thief deserved what HE got. I would have punched and kicked HIM lower down!
  8. Of course they think like a Thai man. They ARE Men!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. With half the young girls from my village "working" in Pattaya, it would be one of the most dangerous places to go for a few days fun!
  10. A fair trade when she wants to go and spend a week in a Wat with all the Monks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I believe the time has now come for police to be armed. Crime has increased dramatically over recent years. However, this should be combined with harsher and mandatory penalties/punishments for those that commit criminal offences. Current penalties do not deter. Those carrying guns, knives and other deadly weapons in public, (unless authorised) should serve a minimum 10 year prison sentence (And that should mean 10 years, no time off for this and that). Anyone using a gun or other deadly weapon, whether to harm, kill or just threaten others should receive an automatic death sentence. That of course requires the reintroduction of the death penalty, which hopefully will be by referendum sooner rather than later. Lets not just stop with the UK. Much harsher penalties needed nowadays here in Thailand! For the record, I was threatened with a gun by a crazed Thai man who rented property close to my house some 30 years ago. He thought I had killed his chickens. Thai police did nothing other than instruct the property owner to evict him and his chickens. Heard he got run over and killed by a bus a week later in Bangkok! Justice served!
  12. Mozilla Firefox is going from bad to worse. Chrome shows the video.
  13. Where's the video everyone mentions?
  14. This is a case where the less than popular Prime Minister could boost his standing by entering the fray and demanding a full and proper sentence for the cop who ordered the killing. No reason why someone higher up could not indicate his extreme displeasure with the sentence.
  15. He orders a killing, it is carried out and he gets just 2 years!!!!!!!!!!! Sickening. He should receive a death sentence!
  16. That make me a "local peasant"🤣
  17. Ms C had probably gone for short-time 😀
  18. Just carrying a gun in public warrants a 10 year stretch in prison. Firing it or using it to threaten anyone warrants DEATH. Time to get strong with all the yobs. Advertise the penalties widely and carrry them out!
  19. Time to knock the building down and incarcerate all gamblers and those involved for a long period of time.
  20. There is.......Hefty fine for motorbike driver and take away his licence for 1 month. He and his mates would soon learn to respect Thai law
  21. Exactly that happened to me in my village yesterday I blasted them with the car horn. They just looked with the inevitible smile!
  22. Adequate maybe, but it will need to be translated, and likely certified by ones Bangkok based Embassy, at exhorbitant cost, plus the inconvenience for many of travelling hundreds of kilometres to get it certified!!!!!!!!
  23. Back in 1987, my wife was not permitted to buy land as she was married to me. We had her father "buy" the land, and it was mortgaged to me for security, to prevent the family selling without my knowledge. Similarly at that time, our 2 year old daughter who was born in the UK, was not allowed to have Thai citizenship, as she was born outside Thailand. She had Permanent Residency, like me, and it was not until she was 17, that she was given Thai citizenship.
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