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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. This topic is about  DWP state pension, payable from age 65 onwards in the past and somewhat later these days.


    On the claim form one enters the address, and if living in Thailand your state pension is frozen.


    Some people will apply with a UK address with payment to a UK bank, and as such no life certificates are sent out. You will also receive annual increases...................BUT that is illegal, and if you are found out, as some are, there are consequences, one of which being that you will have to repay all the extra money received!


    10 minutes ago, Disparate Dan said:

    I have just come across this topic, having never heard of 'life certificates' before. I presume all of you guys who responded lodged a postal address with the UK authorities, and presume also you keep it up to date?

    That amazes me, because in the 30-odd years since I was last in the UK I would never have considered telling them where I was - none of their business, so to speak.

    I have had a small pension paid annually into my BBL a/c for some years now - no hint of any trouble.

    So should I now tell them where I am, so they can contact me and start this certificate stuff, which seems at least as silly/time-wasting as the stuff we all complain about at Immigration here? Or should I just keep stumm as long as the annual payment is made? Any (polite) info welcome.



    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Eff1n2ret said:

    Dual nationals must declare their other passport when applying for the UK one, and the names must be exactly the same in both. My missis had to supply a full copy of her Thai passport along with the UK one when she renewed via VFS three years ago. I don't know whether UK applicants are supposed to send in both passports when applying online in the UK, but maybe you need to look that up. Obviously if you do have to part temporarily with your Thai passport  it doesn't affect your status in Thailand.

    I have always considered that to be an invasion of privacy. Can see no logical reason for it, and the UK, more than Thailand usually shows some logic.

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