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HK MacPhooey

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Everything posted by HK MacPhooey

  1. You also need to know the pp that you opened the account with or pp last shown to KBank staff when updating personal data
  2. And a ban on 'wife beaters'
  3. Flashing yellow traffic lights are ideal for quiet intersections or at non busy times but road users must yield before proceeding with caution. Many Euroland countries such as Holland switch to flashing yellow at night - Hong Kong would do well to adopt the system
  4. Maybe the mother is the problem?
  5. Manufacturing of the batteries is not the issue - it's the mining of the rare metals and other scarce materials required for all the these 'Carbon Neutral' pseudo science projects that will cause irreparable damage to the environment over great swathes of the planet and deplete these resources within a few hundred years as opposed to the thousand plus years of available fossil fuels.
  6. Except Hong Kong SAR, the Capital of which is still officially Victoria the main road running through it being Queen's Road Central with many other roads in the area and throughout Hong Kong, even buildings and districts still named after former Colonial Governors such as Pottinger, Peddar, Nathan, Peel, Southorn, Blake. There are even some HK$ coins still in circulation bearing the Queens head... Elizabeth, not Victoria????
  7. Except that it's not and it isn't
  8. Especially for Jimmy Page when he's staying there
  9. What was a very drunk Thai soldier doing in your 1st class cabin?
  10. No one was close enough to hit the Emergency Stop button? There should be one quite close to the end of the travellator????
  11. Soon our golf caddiess will be referring to our hybrid rescue clubs as T clubs ????
  12. Unfortunately Mr Mehmet was aware to look out for non-binary pickpockets and necklace thieves but wasn't on his guard for lady boys????
  13. And if he wasn't so greedy when he was PM he would be PM for life, the country might be the powerhouse of SE Asia by now and he would have had enough time to continue amassing his family fortune with impunity...
  14. The police handling of the matter would be to call the hiso driver in at his own convenience and after he'd had enough time to sober up... so maybe in this case the taxi drivers were on to something by trying to detain the driver at the scene - one suggestion to them if the car was in a safe location would have been to deflate the tires and wait for the BIB to arrive
  15. Cannot move forward without addressing the past and needs to go right back to those who brought terror to the Nation back in 2010
  16. Dems are really in denial
  17. Because almost 100% of this type of robbery is carried out by so called 'transgender' i.e. men dressed as women
  18. Think he's just using his common sense and personal experience which most enlightened and free thinking people would probably agree with.
  19. Like alcohol to some it's a stepping stone to harder misuse but that shouldn't preclude the vast majority of others from using and enjoying it as they see fit.
  20. Serious signs of Trump Derangement Syndrome????
  21. Probably because he'd told his brother that he had the money to pay for his brother's surgery but didn't really have it or didn't want to give it to him therefore made up the story he was going to give his brother the money but that it had been stolen.
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