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Everything posted by Morch

  1. That got nothing to do with what you claim. Taking someone as hostage is one thing. Arresting or incarcerating is another. You're trolling.
  2. There are no Palestinian hostages. You are trolling. Israel did not arrest them or incarcerated them as hostages.
  3. They were not arrested and imprisoned as 'hostages'. Give it a rest, troll.
  4. No, it wasn't. Not every bombing is carpet bombing. This was discussed in the previous topics, there is no chance you're not aware of this. You're just trolling, as usual.
  5. We used them for moving once, were very happy with the service.
  6. You say that based on what? Hamas comments? Hamas expressing willingness to 'trade'? One thing for sure, even if this was true, they'd ask for way different 'exchange ratio'. It could be argued that Hamas's willingness to negotiate is a direct result of the loses it takes, and the destruction meted on Gaza. And, of course, the Gaza Strip was not 'carpet bombed' other than in your posts.
  7. While I'm aware many Israelis (and some posters) relate to the Holocaust/Hamas attack comparisons, and I can understand why - it still seems odd, and unhelpful. Hamas does not have any capacity to carry out anything remotely resembling the horrors done by the Nazis, and Israel's situation is quite different than that of Europe's Jews back then. The flip side would be the moral expectation (not getting into whether it's genuine or not) that people who have gone through such horrors would be more compassionate toward others. Guess that most Psychology 101 classes will shoot that one out of the water real quick. And if not, there's always Erik Lehnsherr to do the explaining. Something like 'never again' is maybe easier to convey than a more complex, and dubious, imperative. My impression is that the association is somewhat tied to political positions, and the former representing a more right-wing stance. At least as far as Israeli politics and these forum discussions go. The latter would be more of Left (or far Left) deal, but again - the application often seems insincere.
  8. I know that there are such services on offer in Thailand. We were looking into it some years back when I had to relocate for a while. Seemed efficient, pro, good English spoken by rep. The Mrs. came to her senses and decreed it was a waste of money (was definitely not cheap) so we found an alternative solution. Should be more of them about nowadays. I'll try ask the Mrs. for details. As I recall, the major component was the storage bit. This was in Bangkok, btw. What I do recall - we were staying at rented apartment, and there was a requirement that we either produce a written statement by owner/management regarding furniture that came with the place, or that someone will be present when packing/moving. It would seem reasonable to assume that in your case something like that may be required as well. They ain't in the business of getting caught in the middle of fight.
  9. Hmmm....maybe the majority wants to stay under the radar, therefore not posting....
  10. Vet Vader is luckily a 10-15 minutes ride away. Even so, when calling him to ask about something or make an appointment, he often asks we take a pic and send him first. At least half the time he comes back with a diagnosis and treatment that does not require our girl making the trip. We just stop, take the medicine or whatever and that's it. Might be worth checking if this is something 'your' vet would go for. Hope she'll get better.
  11. @thaibeachlovers Probably. On the other hand, one have no doubts you'd parrot it without hesitation if it was the other way around.
  12. @thaibeachlovers People do not always make the best choices. Maybe this comes as news to you, I dunno.
  13. How do you know there are 5000 dead children? How do you know how many of them died from as a result from Israeli attacks? How many died from failed rocket launches? All casualty figures on offer come from the same source - the Hamas controlled Ministry of Health in Gaza. Accepting them without question is a choice. I don't see you having that many issues with children killed by the Hamas on 7/10 or those kidnapped to the Gaza Strip on the same day.
  14. Do you have any support for this? Something you made up on the fly? Another bit of Hamas propaganda you quote without question?
  15. @thaibeachlovers Practice what you preach. You do not seem to have issue painting Israeli using the same wide-brush. Nor much trouble with hate speech when it suits your agenda.
  16. @thaibeachlovers There are, perhaps, 14,000 casualties. Even that is not assured given the only source is the Hamas controlled Ministry of Health in Gaza. But regardless, claiming that they are all civilians is incorrect - Hamas does not report it's own casualties during fighting. If you think no Hamas men were killed during the fighting then you're either a full blown Hamas supporter, or not comprehending the news you follow.
  17. @thaibeachlovers Funny how you always seem to notice Israeli extremist comments, and somehow manage to miss all the hate speech coming from the Palestinians side. Maybe they don't show it on AJ. Or maybe you think it's legit.
  18. @thaibeachlovers Many right wing/religious Israelis would not concur that it's Palestinian land. Unsurprisingly, your comment does not account for Palestinians not accepting Israel as being Israeli land. Just another of your one-sided low value posts.
  19. That goes way beyond the scope of the topic. The short version is that Israel does not have either a coherent policy nor a clear goal with regard to the Palestinians. But even if we limit the premise to fit the discussion at hand, the above holds: There are various official Israel statements about the current goal in the Gaza Strip being 'eradicating' (or some similar term) Hamas. As far as I'm aware, there was no clear public clarification of what this amounts to. Every card carrying member killed? Just the military wing's men? How about Hamas as a political party? And what about Hamas in the West Bank? There were some ad-hoc comments on such issues (mostly in interviews and as responses to direct questions) which fall short of official policy, and do not address all points. But let's say Hamas is 'eradicated'. Fine. What then? What's the plan for the Gaza Strip on the day after? Or a couple of years down the road? Again, all that's officially on offer are a collection of statements, quoted bits from politicians and ad-hoc commentary on interviews and such. There's even less clarity on this than on the previous point. Will the IDF stick around? For how long? In what strength? In which role? No clear idea or plan. Who will take charge of the Gaza Strip? The PA? International force? Nobody knows, apparently least of all Israel where various political players spew all sort of 'solutions' which got little to do with reality. Take a more up to date issue: Hostages. How does 'we will work toward releasing all hostages' fit with 'we will eradicate Hamas'? If Hamas was to take this at face value, what would be the motivation to release hostages, if it's gonna be 'eradicated' anyway? Again, no clear goal, no clear policy. This is pretty much how Israel rolls since it gained independence. Maybe slightly better in earlier years when things were somewhat simpler. Netanyahu's rule is and has been an example of taking this to the max (no pun intended, max).
  20. So when you announce what Israel's interests 'are' - you're basically opining on what you think them to be, rather than how the Israeli government or the Israeli people see things. I'm just clarifying here that the bit you posted earlier is quite out there in terms of policy and reality.
  21. If you use Firefox as your main, and it's working fine for your needs, why all the bother with a backup? I use Firefox and it's fine for most things, can play around with settings to make it a bit faster, or security oriented or whatever. Brave I found a tad too paranoid, plus a couple of browser games wouldn't run, so it's back in storage. Edge is a PITA (what you described), Chrome is sleek (But feel a bit too intrusive/pushes unwanted options). All them smaller apps - I don't trust them to be as updated, or even be around in several years time. Too much bother learning the ins and outs anyway.
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