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Everything posted by Morch

  1. For some reason @thaibeachlovers doesn't do links. IMO, mostly when what's reported is not quite what he makes it to be. Pro-Palestinian protesters block entrances to UK's BAE defence plant https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/pro-palestinian-protesters-block-entrances-uks-bae-defence-plant-2023-11-10/ This report suggests a very modest sized protest, by Pro-Palestinian activists. It didn't last long. It also mentions that the plant does not directly provide Israel with arms, but does participate in the international production chain of F-35 aircraft, which Israel uses. I don't think that the parts from the UK are sent directly to Israel, or that the plant got much say in which aircraft they eventually go. Israel-Gaza: Union members block arms factory in protest over conflict https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-67378052 In this report, the protest seems larger, but still not very large. The main difference is the the characterization of protestors as 'union members'. If one reads the article, the unions in question have nothing to do with the plant, or indeed, much to do with industry at large. The details about what the plant actually produces remain the same.
  2. Mentioned the village headman on another topic, then remembered how he showed up the first Christmas after we moved in and the conversation quickly turning to the question of whether it's true foreigners make alcohol from eggs.... ended up giving him a sample of Irish Cream. Was happy enough. So anyways:
  3. https://aseannow.com/topic/1311726-managing-forum-toxicity-and-negativity/page/10/#comment-18492284
  4. Or rabbits, never forget the rabbits.
  5. That's good. I don't hunt, and the couple of times I joined a hunt, didn't like it much. Seemed way unfair, and unnecessary. I do have a friend in the USA who hunts with bow, crossbow, knife and spear, but only when he needs to, and not always successful.
  6. Unless you're keen on shooting them, deer meat is pretty easy to get in Thailand.
  7. I should think that 'stalking' may also apply for putting many (or most) topic participants on 'ignore' then going on posting (or more correctly, flaming) them from behind that 'shield'.
  8. IMO, that's a general problem for international/western organizations working in some areas (the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Southern Lebanon being the most relevant for the current situation). Not only media, but Aid groups/organizations/projects, Human rights NGOs, UN agencies (UNRWA) and forces (UNIFIL). To different degrees they all rely on local hands, local cooperation and goodwill. The way it works is that there's usually a skeleton crew of 'outsiders' (often a mix of higher up positions and trainees), while most of the workers/employees/hire help are local. All of these foreign outfits have codes and rules supposedly addressing expected conduct by their people - but the reality is that it's (a) impossible to fully enforce given the ratio of foreigners to locals, and (b) foreign crews maybe not eager to tackle such issues. One can't work in Gaza, as a foreigner, and preach locals about Israel's point of view, or seriously enforce moderation, adherence to Western ethical notions and so on. Same thing, if to a lesser degree in the two other areas mentioned. On top of that I think there's an added layer of existing bias - people who take such posts are usually already invested in the local narrative, and so, more open to accept, forgive, turn a blind eye when such things happen. This can also happen on the job - one sees hardship, injustice, oppression on a daily basis and that tends to shift points of view, plus it's hard to hang around with locals all day and not absorb something. And so these sort of things crop up quite routinely - dodgy coverage by freelancer reporters and photographers, teachers straying off the curriculum, schools letting in unapproved teaching programs, or being as arms storage, supplies making their way to the wrong hands or stolen without contest, human rights reports overly receptive to testimonies, and peace keeping forces looking the other way or arriving just to late at times - and so on and so forth. I'm not saying it's all like that. There are many people doing exactly what they should be doing. But treating these things as 'isolated cases' - heh.
  9. IDF forces closing on several hospitals in Gaza (the ones which is claimed Hamas hides under). Heavy fighting in the surrounding areas. This could be something planned, or maybe a response to USA pressure about time running out. Fighting rages around Gaza’s hospitals as U.S. cautions over civilian losses https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/fighting-rages-around-gaza-s-hospitals-as-us-cautions-over-civilian-losses/ar-AA1jIltl Palestinians report heavy fighting around Gaza’s Shifa Hospital, as IDF closes in https://www.timesofisrael.com/palestinians-report-heavy-fighting-around-gazas-shifa-hospital-as-idf-closes-in/ ‘Surrounded by tanks’: IDF encircles several Gaza hospitals https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rkccaoo7t#autoplay
  10. Eilat school was hit by drone fired from Syria, IDF says as it strikes back https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-strikes-syria-in-response-to-drone-attack-on-eilat-school/ Can't stop them all. Lucky no one died. Reminiscent of Iran's drone attack on Saudi Arabia. Jordan can't be too pleased about possibly being dragged into things.
  11. Size doesn't matter for barks. Our is friendly (or cowardly) enough with people. Goes mental if someone touches the gate, the fence. With time it's easy to know whether it's routine (garbage collection, postman) or something else (construction worker from next door went over the fence).
  12. Pity, you were almost there with the lithium thing, again....
  13. From pics, doesn't seem like enough space for such a dog. Think it's more of an 'alarm-system-barking-dog' situation.
  14. Yeah, ours is just mostly lazy and don't like to be bothered. Most of the trees I cut aren't fruit trees. Neighbor cuts our bananas when they overhand on his side, we do the same when his our on ours, it's all good.
  15. We (or rather, I) cut anything crossing the line, and that I don't care for. On two sides there were no neighbors present so no one to ask. The third side we're friends with the neighbor so asked for politeness sake, he found it funny and said go ahead. Asking out headman such questions would undoubtedly be answered by the traditional what-does-the-foreigner-want-now grunt, followed by a go ahead. Asking his assistant would undoubtedly be answered by it's-complicated-you-need-to-hire-someone-through-me-to-do-it.
  16. Never been a member there, wouldn't know. Don't care. What does it have to do with this forum?
  17. Thought you had issues with stereotypes. Anyway, doubt most are interested in trading their Israeli citizenship for a Palestinian, or most Arab ones. And no, I'm not denying there's discrimination, racism and all that - just that realty is more complex than slogans.
  18. Really? Shame...I feel like I missed the better part of the last 9 years.
  19. No one. It's a public forum. Posters are free to comment on any post they like. Including those of posters who put them on 'ignore'. I think that I know more on the topic than most, yes. Certainly more than yourself. Sue me. Not sure why wouldn't I 'defend my opinion' - that's part of discussion, isn't it? 2K? You made me look. Not quite there yet, and wouldn't be as many if there was less nonsense posted from the likes of you.
  20. https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/page/308/#comment-18491435 But also... You wish you had a dollar For every time he hollered That he's leavin' And he's never comin' back ("Semi Suite", Tom Waits).
  21. You seem alright with some potential wars, as long as they serve China's interests.
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