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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You're all for state-controlled media, then?
  2. You made this comment numerous times. It was addressed over and over again. There are even several moderator instruction in topic. All you seem to be interested in are either dead Palestinian children or things that happened before the attack.
  3. Yawn - you don't seem to have issues with other posters commenting a lot about things, so long as supportive of your views. Guess that's the best you've got. Not much to 'add' to your nonsense posts, they are quite amusing as they are. I'm not accusing you of lying. You've already been caught lying on these topics, and admitted as much. Hence no particular reason to accept anything you say at face value. Other than that, on most discussions and forums, citing 'friends' is not usually considered much of an argument, or even a valid one. Certainly not when it runs against more solid evidence. I am saying it's lame. Because it is. All the sophistry on offer won't change how the phrase is used today, in this context and by the people chanting it. I don't feel compelled to engage on the particulars of every contrived argument offered, and offer them extra exposure. You made a general, unqualified claim about the protest and protestors. It was false. Now you backtrack some and pretend it never happened. Nothing new. The level of arrests do not necessarily show what you claim, of course, they just indicate how many were arrested. Whether this was right or not can be debated.
  4. The evidence was not 'irrefutable' either. Try harder.
  5. There is no genocide, and the USA obviously do not support such a thing. Prepare the tissues and the faux indigestion. because you'll be called a liar again.
  6. Hamas should not have started this. Gazans should had more sense and oppose Hamas years ago.
  7. Unfortunately (for you), you do not dictate the rules here, and you don't get to rule what's 'irrefutable' and what's not.
  8. Hamas operative boasts he ‘can leave with any ambulance,’ in call overheard by IDF https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-operative-boasts-he-can-leave-with-any-ambulance-in-call-overheard-by-idf/ Not exactly news to anyone following these things, happened in previous instances as well. Clip in article, plus several other nuggets of information.
  9. It was not 'debunked'. There were claims made. All that was shown was how things. allegedly, were planned or constructed. There was nothing said about possible Hamas alterations, for example. AJ is many thing, but calling it 'credible' on these issues is a laugh. At the very least, with a truckload of salt.
  10. They weren't looking for tunnels, and it wasn't in the Gaza Strip.
  11. If they are evil terrorists, then how come many of them peace loving innocent Palestinians support them? How come them freedom seeking Palestinians do not resist them? How is it the Palestinians do not try to storm them tunnels? I'm not party to your views about bombing being 'indiscriminate', not that they target civilians. People get killed in wars. I think Israel's first commitment is to Israeli citizens. I also think you're giving Hamas and the Palestinians a free pass on pretty much anything.
  12. I think it's quite obvious - you post them, they get taken down. With a message about using acceptable sources. You want to pretend otherwise? Up to you.
  13. Israel did not create the Hamas. That's another misleading bit of information you (and others on here) repeat. You are neither neutral nor unbiased, never mind credible. I don't care much what you pretend to feel, either.
  14. The poster he replied to wasn't there as well, just cited 'friends' who happened not to notice anything amiss.
  15. All of the Russian sources you listed are not acceptable on this forum. Move on.
  16. You heard. That's cool. You mean the 'plan' by a Ministry that's de-facto responsible for nothing and headed by a junior minister? The 'plan' that was rejected as nonsense by Israeli politicians and officials?
  17. The same Hamas leadership abroad that opined civilian deaths serve the 'cause', and that they are required 'sacrifices'. The same Hamas leadership in Gaza denying civilians the safety of their tunnels.
  18. That you mention it doesn't mean it's an acceptable source. There are other lists, other websites, some more updated than others. All do not contain a full list of names for reasons cited above and elsewhere. But you knew all that already.
  19. List of those with confirmed ID's. There was a link posted earlier on how many bodies are not easy to identify and so on. Some bodies still discovered even days and weeks afterwards, some missing, some presumed hostages. Another one of your lame trolling attempts.
  20. I think Hamas should have let them inside their tunnels.
  21. There's surely a whole lot of money lining pockets of higher ups, especially those living outside of the Gaza Strip. That said, the tunnel network is extensive, thousands of rockets, and fighting a guerilla style warfare in urban surrounding does not require inordinate amounts of arms or ammunition. I think that Hamas lost a whole lot of its 'elite' troops on the first two days, and that effects things. Otherwise, the IDF is putting on some serious pressure, and appears to have had some tactical surprises. How well (or badly, depending on point of view) things are may be better answered when fighting underground commences. I do agree (posted earlier) that the IDF's advance was much faster than previously estimated (at least publicly), and that IDF casualties are (so far) on the low side.
  22. It's not my task to prove your points. You made a claim, the blog piece you linked does not quite make it. A single incident is, in your mind, enough to make a general sweeping claim?
  23. Where did you see me 'defending' what's shown in the clip. I posted just the opposite. What sympathy? You were already outed as an antisemite, remember?
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