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Everything posted by Morch

  1. What prevented the Palestinians from accepting the partition plan and taking things from there? What prevented the Palestinians, post-1949, from demanding self rule/independence/sovereignty from the occupying Jordan and Egypt? I'm referring to Palestinian choices placing them in their current predicament. Israel played it's part, sure, but it's hardly nothing to do with how the Palestinian messed their own fate.
  2. There is no 'dictate'. Mostly UN interventions occur with both side's agreement. And yet again, you make excuses for the Palestinians, or try to minimize their part. Now it's the World's fault....
  3. That is a lie. Palestinians could have accepted the UN partition plan, It was rejected. Palestinians could have insisted on self rule in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip when they were controlled by Jordan and Egypt - they did no such thing. Palestinians could have tried to engage Israel in peace talks for years before the Oslo Accords - didn't happen.
  4. The 'shirinking Palestine' - yet another Palestinian propaganda trope. There was not Palestine under Palestinian rule or anything back in 1918. The areas marked as 'theirs' is meaningless. The were only a couple of times the Palestinians got semblance of self rule - briefly in the Gaza Strip, under Egypt's authority, and then following the Oslo Accords - as in the Palestinian Authority.
  5. That's just another variation of the same: we don't know ourselves, we are not in their place, who are we to judge. More deflections and excuses for barbaric actions.
  6. The Gaza Strip was not always blockaded. This came about, gradually, in response to Palestinian attacks and specifically to Hamas actions and agenda. You want to present things out of context, that your choice. Not very constructive, though.
  7. Such global sympathy is always short-lived. Give it a few days and the trend would shift, public attention would go to another crisis. That's the nature of things. So inasmuch as global opinion is concerned, I should think delaying is counterproductive. Use the goodwill while it's there, deal with the unavoidable criticism later. Hamas and Hamas leadership has been 'boxed in' for years. If it was that easy to simply pick them out without civilians being hurt, it would probably have been done by now. As for political expediency, there's that, especially on the domestic front. But there's also a regional element - in the ME inaction is often interpreted as weakness. Perceived weakness leads to adversaries being motivated and more confident to attack. Some of what's going on is a message sent.
  8. Peace requires two parties. Not seeing you going on about what Palestinians should do in order to promote the chances for peace. If you think that the recent Hamas attack is conductive to a breakthrough move on that front, you're delusional.
  9. There are no Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip. There are more Palestinians in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip then there ever were. It's 'genocide' only if you aim to mutilate the term and demean it.
  10. There is no requirement, other in nonsense posts and schoolyard mentality, that military conflicts will be balanced. This not a boxing match. What you 'doubt' got little to do with reality. No one stopped the Palestinians from going the way of having their own state, developing a proper army and arms industry, or forging strong ties with superpowers. As usual, you seem to think that everything needs to be handed to the Palestinians.
  11. Ok, so let's 'understand' them, is that it?
  12. I suggest you stop deflecting. There was no 'message'. Just the usual waffle.
  13. An outright lie. Then again, Hamas doctrine often jumps hoops in order to designate Israelis as non-civilians.
  14. I was referring to your loaded posts. Nothing to do with the waffle you just replied.
  15. If you cite Michael Jackson as an authority, things must be dire indeed.
  16. Yes, but is this imaginary Rabbi also a THAI CITIZEN? Does he still talk to you after reading your comments on here?
  17. There are pictures of dead children and babies. No one other than yourself denies this.
  18. Yup. Same line of reasoning which paints the Palestinians as passive, ignorant, unable to choose, unable to change their course of action, not accountable for anything. And at the same time, arguing they should be 'given' a state. How they're supposed to maintain and run their state considering these characterizations is never addressed (or again blamed on Israel, somehow).
  19. Things can always become worse. Is the solution to do nothing, then?
  20. Israel gets $3 billion in military aid annually. These are funds almost exclusively granted as a coupon to but US arms. Essentially, the money goes back to US manufacturers. Some of the most active lobbyists for this are Congressmen and Senators from relevant states and counties. Obama actually was one of the more supportive Presidents, in this regard, enlarging the aid packet some and sealing it off long term. Don't let reality confuse you, though.
  21. Maybe. Would you behead a child, though?
  22. And yet on a previous post, you alleged Israel is the one preventing Gazans from fleeing through the Egyptian border pass. Get your nonsense comments in order, sir.
  23. You have 'no sympathy for either side', but plenty of criticism reserved for one side.
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