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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I understand that you're doing your usual thing - raise a daft argument, never admit it's daft, carry on clutching on every word as if it's crucial to points made. You got an explanation, it doesn't fit your 'argument' so you just dig deeper. Same old.
  2. Oh, just one of your usual nitpicking word games, then.
  3. @billd766 Please explain the difference between yourself and a troll. This was done to death. Did Mandela rape anyone for 'the cause'? Was he in favor of mass slaughter of civilians in the wholesale barbaric manner evident on 7/10? Was he a religious fanatic? You can call Netanyahu a lot of things, but 'terrorist' and 'war criminal' are just hot-air that does not really apply. It's just a lazy arsed back-at-you comment. Some opinions are based on facts, yours are more to do with bias.
  4. It doesn't matter if they attend school or take refuge in the school. So long as the school is used by Hamas its protected status is compromised.
  5. @thaibeachlovers You seem to have less issues with Russian vetos. Maybe it's just the American veto right that you want to see gone.
  6. @thaibeachlovers You are aware that Hamas leaders talk this way about Palestinian civilians and children, right? Labeling their death as necessary sacrifices, the blood that needs to be spilled and other such comments. Or maybe they don't show that on AJ?
  7. Can you support this with anything? I mean this fantasy of total and absolute control by Iran?
  8. Hamas is not 'the Palestinian government'. Hamas rules the Gaza Strip, the PA runs the West Bank and is the officially recognized representative (or government) of the Palestinians. The Ambassador, for example, would be a PA appointment. It's complicated.
  9. There was no such official comment in the sense you imply. Nothing on par with long term occupation or such. Carrying on military operation for an extended period, yes. Talk about a security zone near the border, yes. Other than that, most of the more 'hardcore' stuff was from right wing elements which are not actually calling the shots.
  10. Some people on here seem to take Netanyahu's words very seriously when it suits. Other time, dismiss them out of hand. Politicians say a whole lot of things, especially when cornered, stressed and fighting for their own political survival. We could wish it to be different, but it is usually like this. What some people seem to forget is that if Israel had a policy, or a wish, to actually commit real genocide (as opposed to the nonsense touted on this forum and elsewhere) - it could do so. The reality is that while Palestinian casualties are high, they aren't going anywhere, and there is no real threat to their survival as a people or anything of the sort.
  11. You're making things up again. Murder implies intent. The intent is in your mind and propaganda posts. Is Israel was bent on killing civilians the death toll would be much higher. There would be no warnings, no evacuations, no aid whatsoever let in. Hospitals would have been demolished. That's not quite how things are, though. As for you assertions that all Palestinians killed were innocent, rubbish. Many were Hamas men. The notion that stopping the war would see the immediate release of the hostages is something that is not guaranteed at all. Simple is as simple posts.
  12. @ozimoron You routinely describe Israel's actions as 'war crimes'. Stating it as fact. Not an allegation, no qualification of opinion. Fact. You even did so in this exchange. Then you claim otherwise. You are either trolling or have some serious cognitive issues.
  13. @ozimoron 'speaking under duress'. You own words. And yet you keep pushing Hamas propaganda.
  14. These are facts. That you cannot handle them, and resort to your usual style of response doesn't change them.
  15. People have some outdated ideas about 'dumb' bombs. This isn't WWII, or even Vietnam. You don't just toss them out the back of the plane, and hope for the best. A modern 'dumb' bomb, dropped from a modern aircraft and by a competent pilot would be far more accurate than what people imagine. This ain't not 'carpet bombing' style thing.
  16. @ozimoron Why are there babies present? Civilians were advised to evacuate? As for your usual ignorant assertions - international laws actually does allow for civilian casualties, even if you imagine otherwise.
  17. No. The hospital incidents was covered extensively. It was discussed on multiple posts and topics on here. This wasn't even all that long ago. You do not get to do this obstruction/deflection thing each and every time.
  18. @ozimoron That would be you jumping the gun again, as if South Africa already won it's ICJ case. How many of these statements were made by those in actual positions of control and power? How about all them Hamas leadership comments and statements which you ignore?
  19. Hamas leadership said outright that dead Palestinians are a necessary sacrifice for 'the cause'. There were comment made about the blood of babies paving the way for victory etc. Hamas knew Israel's reaction would be harsh. There was no attempt to protect the civilians under its rule. No offer of shelter in them tunnels. Calls on civilians to stay put instead of evacuate. Breaking off negotiations and hostage trades which resulted in the fighting pausing. Hijacking supplies. And using the populace as human shields. In your mind, it's all Israel Bad.
  20. There were negotiations, there were hostages trades - Hamas broke the agreement. Now it raises demands (not even clear in return for what, exactly) that can only be described as impossible. A non-invasive siege was the situation before that. Didn't seem to work out too well. What hospitals were 'blown'? Other than the infamous incident in which a Palestinian rocket hit one of them?
  21. There were negotiations, and hostages were traded. Hamas decided to break the agreement, for its own reasons. Since then, Hamas refuses to go back to the premises of the previous agreement, and makes wide-reaching demands instead. You seem to imagine that this is just a straight forward dealing between parties - it isn't.
  22. Pretty much, yes. Numerous tunnels and exists all over the place, running under residential buildings, hospitals, schools and whatnot. Caches of arms, ammo, rockets and all the rest found in numerous apartments. Plenty of footage of these.
  23. What the above shows is that you do not actually follow events. The incident you described did not happen in 'the first days', but a couple of months into the fighting. Of course, being the battle hardened combat veteran that you are, you'd know all about how soldiers may react in such situations....
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