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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Pushes pro-Russian talking points. Goes on about Western propaganda. Your pro-Trump angle also fits with Russia's interests. And the usual inability to refer to politicians by name, rather resorting to insults, and such is, again, a Trump hallmark. Looking their mind? Considering the froth you work up on these topics, it's amusing.
  2. Obviously, neither Egyptian diligence nor the fabled cooperation were tight enough.
  3. @retarius The UN did not 'bow' to anything. And given that you're issues are with Jews, rather than Israel, your comments are to be expected.
  4. @retarius More faux 'outrage' and moral grandstanding from an openly antisemitic poster, who's also a Putin fan, and got little issues with Hamas's actions.
  5. Another lame deflection? I was obviously referring to your hyping of the Egypt angle bit. Apparently you believe that asserting what other posters believe, regardless if they said anything regarding it, is the way to conduct 'discussions'.
  6. Allow me to doubt that you know what Egypt 'believes'. You can quote what Egypt says, but that's not necessarily the same thing. A whole lot of the various statements made (by all sides involved) are aimed at broadcasting warnings, rather than accurately expressing acute fears, intentions and so on. What I am sure of is that there were reports (some linked on these topics) discussing Israel and the IDF awareness of the issues, and mulling ways to address it. Several options were outlined, granted none of them seems a fully satisfactory one. And as far as I'm aware, and as others mentioned - Israel trying to convince Egypt to take in Palestinians is something that happened weeks and months ago. Egypt refused, rejected, and that was that. You want to offer an argument where this got nothing to do with Hamas's choices, tactics, and it's all down to Israel and the IDF's actions - go right ahead. You do not offer anything in support of this, nor much of an alternative. Or even a way of addressing the current situation. I've no idea where you're going with your last nonsense point, sorry.
  7. @thaibeachlovers The blockade was put in place due to Hamas's agenda and actions. It was not always there. You want to insist on not linking the two, that's up to you. You say 'no excuse', there were even UN views that it's legit. Also, not a word about this being upheld by Egypt as well. This was done over so many times, it's impossible that you're not aware of details.
  8. @thaibeachlovers And this topic ain't about that. You people seem to have real issues addressing the OP. One would have thought there's enough bashing material in it as it were.
  9. @thaibeachlovers Well, you're not too concerned with atrocities committed by Hamas, so why whine?
  10. Topic ain't about the West Bank. Or Israeli illegal settlements. Try reading the headline.
  11. That's not what the topic is about. And as this is focused on the Gaza Strip, not even directly relevant. Try harder.
  12. What you do is what many of your ilk go for: a short one liner bit 'condemning' Hamas, then going on about Israel. Often comes with some false equivalency disregarding facts or even immediate context.
  13. The way you see things is odd, on a good day. I'm not a government, or a country. My criticism and commentary do not carry much weight in the real world. Your nonsense definition games are tiresome, and were addressed. Even if you had a point, criticizing Palestinian policies would not be that. You say a whole lot of things, most of them unrealistic, or got little to do with facts. And your comment is yet another deflection - not really much to do with what I posted about.
  14. @thaibeachlovers You routinely make similar comments, and you don't even know anything much about space....
  15. You're pro-war, when it comes to Russia attacking Ukraine. You're pro-bully when supporting Putin, Trump. Russia is actually trying to build back it's empire and do exactly what you pretend to be against. As Mom said, you see what you want to see. Not a pro-Trump? Tell that to someone not familiar with your many posts on here. Using bogus names for rivals demonstrates both your leanings, and emulation of Dear Leader's ways. Sure, you're pro-Sanders. I believe you. Maybe as an easier to bit candidate for Trump.
  16. What's irrelevant is your hyping of things which were already discussed, and apparently settled.
  17. @retarius Coming from an openly antisemite, dictator-loving poster, that's not a surprising point of view.
  18. Make up things how, exactly? And what 'agenda' would that be? Try harder, little troll.
  19. My comment was an accurate reflection on your post, and posting style. You are either unable to comprehend what you read, or just post stuff without much care for context, relying on headlines to make your 'point'. The link above is not quite what the previous derailing attempt you tried said. Maybe time to give it a rest.
  20. And them counterarguments you outline are to the point. Your assertions, not so much. keep in mind that after Egypt refused, Israel neither tried to do so anyway, nor was the subject featured much later on.
  21. Coming from someone who just advocated Hamas hold on to Israeli children taken hostage for as long as possible, releasing them last - kinda hard to take your 'concern' and 'outrage' at face value.
  22. Your deflection aside, my comment holds anyway. Most of the criticism, pleas and so on are directed at Israel.
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