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Everything posted by Morch

  1. It's not a very successful, timely or organized 'genocide', apparently. But it's a catchy label, there's that.
  2. When Hamas went on it's 7/10 attack, killing civilians, inflicting atrocities, rapes and so on were all on the menu. Part of the plan. The point being - intent. When Israel carries it's operations in the Gaza Strip, it does so knowing that civilians (including children) are likely to be hurt, be killed - but it is not the intent of the action. If it was, there would be no warning given to the population, no time to evacuate allowed, and civilians would be specifically targeted. This does not happen, and other than on propaganda posts and reports - is not claimed. There are, obviously, a whole lot of civilians (and children) injured and killed. That's regrettable, but unavoidable when carrying out a military campaign in a densely populated urban setting. Given Hamas practice of hiding behind, bellow and amongst civilians, it is to be expected. That you think it's same-same, doesn't amount to a whole lot, and is not supported by fact or reason. It's just a propaganda meme. None of these citizens were dead on 6/10. Hamas started this knowing the reaction. It did nothing to protect the populace under its care. It treats them as 'necessary sacrifices' for the cause. Hamas could also end this rather quickly - which it chooses not to. Somehow, you manage to ignore them parts of reality you don't like, and pin it all on Israel.
  3. I get the impression that you didn't pour that many words, thoughts and faux emotional content when deaths of Israeli children were discussed, other than to deflect, deny and ridicule. I would venture that the laughs were about poster's obviously insincere comment. Your comment is laughable as well. @thaibeachlovers
  4. Exclusive: US to bring back aircraft carrier from eastern Mediterranean https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/exclusive-us-to-bring-back-aircraft-carrier-from-eastern-mediterranean/ar-AA1mhCIZ
  5. My point was not so much about your own take, but about who you raise this question with. I don't recall you making these sort of comments when AJ reports, or NGO reports were linked and discussed without reservation as factual and real. I am not going to defend Israel's shoddy treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank, the detainment system or the curbing of rights. Even without direct reference to the case presented, it's obvious things are wrong. That said, notice how the topic was neatly hijacked? Because this isn't about the West Bank, or that woman's case, or any of the rest. This topic is/was about the Israeli hostages taken by Hamas. Some posters invest a whole lot of energy derailing such topics (not meaning you).
  6. When it suits. Because you really have no issues with calling Israel's actions 'crimes' and believing everything cited on them links of yours as truth.
  7. A question which I don't recall you raising with people citing Al Jazeera, or as above, reports from biased NGO's.
  8. Got to love the differences in volume, rhetoric and 'care' exhibited when comparing their publications on Israeli hostages and Palestinian detainees.
  9. @Neeranam Again, re-posting articles and stories that were already discussed. And, as usual, adding some unnecessary hyperbole - not 'top of the charts' but rather 'The broadcaster deleted the video clip after a huge online backlash.'. The learned author would do well to have a similar look at Palestinian text books, indoctrination and so on - but guess that won't be aired on AJ.
  10. @ozimoron Nothing in your posts conveys this. There are more anti-Israeli protests then there are pro. Rhetoric employed is sometimes off the charts.
  11. 2 Australians, including suspected Hezbollah fighter, killed in IDF strike in Lebanon https://www.timesofisrael.com/2-australians-including-suspected-hezbollah-fighter-killed-in-idf-strike-in-lebanon/
  12. Thanks for replies. Larger area, so gear with cord is uncomfortable, and if battery doesn't last much, then guess it won't do the trick. Maybe get one for Mrs. Morch, to do smaller jobs.
  13. How long does it run before battery runs out? And is the power sufficient for anything more than a light trim?
  14. Defense how? I do not offer wholesale justification, or glorification of - as some do. I'm acknowledging that it's war, and war ain't pretty. No matter how you cut it. In this instance, the lumping was the point. Both of you strive for negative labels, which I doubt have little to do with facts or legalities involved. As said of another poster's comments - you're jumping the gun.
  15. @Neeranam Interesting that you should reply to a comment about demagoguery, with more demagoguery.
  16. She was operated on by a vet. And as I understand it, this was much earlier in the war, when things weren't that bad yet. I expect this was more to do with Hamas need to keep her location secret, and not caring much.
  17. @ozimoron More demagoguery. People get killed in wars. This have nothing to do with court case, convictions and so on. You're just trying to muddy the waters.
  18. @ozimoron I'm opposed to your nonsense, disregard of facts and non-sequiturs (see above). There are allegations. This does not make them facts, regardless of your comments. There's a call on Israel to investigate matters. That's how the process goes, you disregard it An ICC investigation comes (if at all) after steps are exhausted. You jump the gun.
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