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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Palestinian have been committing war crimes in 1948. Whether one wants to call the many terrorist actions taken since as 'war crimes' or something else, is a choice. The point being that they aren't the lambs some try to paint them as. Hamas committed numerous 'war crimes' by any definition, but that's something which some people on here are set on ignoring. Guess it just doesn't fit the agenda.
  2. @thaibeachlovers I'm aware that you have a very selective memory, but this is bizarre. If a resolution is vetoed it does not become a resolution, so by your logic there ought to have been none. The reality is that the USA veto applies only to the UNSC, and even there such resolutions are not 'always' vetoed in the wide-brush manner you claim. Most of the anti-Israeli resolution occurred on the various transformations of UN human rights bodies - which give wide representation for countries which aren't paragons of such.
  3. @thaibeachlovers More like there's a constant attempt to contextualize, minimize and normalize 7/10. Your issues are with Israel's existence.
  4. While I sympathize with the message, it's hard not to notice that it does not actually provide much insight as to "what comes next".
  5. There is a gap between Israel's right wing positions and those of younger American voters. It's a fact. And since the right wing shift is not static, the gap could grow wider. You want to call it 'blame', that's up to you.
  6. OK, to put it more accurately - I think there will be a drop, I don't think it will be quite as dramatic long term. But this is based on how things are now, Israel drifting more to the right, becoming more religious - that will take it's toll on USA public support. In terms of actual support, the effects are slower and smaller.
  7. No. But this goes toward my original point - does it have much of an actual effect in realty?
  8. Back in the day Mrs. Morch was all for boycotting one of the nearby food-stalls. Problem was the guy being a master, and the food divine. Didn't carry. The extended family does boycott a certain famous restaurant, for owners' family involvement in pier disaster which claimed two of young ones. I think it's more legit when it's personal.
  9. That's one of them sentences that could mean anything. I think people do and say a whole lot of things when they are young, then they grow up. Today's technology and social structures allow more of this than before.
  10. No, it's you saying it's a 15 + year trend, which you fail to support or demonstrate. Complaints about flames coming from a troll....amusing.
  11. It's a Justine McCarthy column. What others think (unless it's along the same lines) doesn't apply.
  12. The only thing that matters - in your opinion. Israel is actually pretty familiar with dual faced relations. Take Turkey, with Erdogan often having a go at Israel, whereas economic ties are less effected by this. Same goes with many ME Arab countries, even those officially not having relations with Israel, but a whole lot going on anyway (Saudi Arabia, previously the Emirates). I think young voters grow older, become middle aged voters and moderate their views. Again, poster was about a supposed 15 + years trend.
  13. That's just more of the same waffle. You originally claimed this was a 15 years plus trend. Now you seem to associate it with the war. So maybe first make up your mind which is it, then try to support it with something concrete. As for Aseannow - you live in lalaland.
  14. https://aseannow.com/topic/1314199-israel-losing-global-support-over-gaza-bombing-biden-says/page/13/#comment-18582868
  15. I'm not actually sure. The poster I replied to waffled something about loss of support blah blah blah. Wanted to understand what this implies in real terms.
  16. Well....maybe don't need to take things that far. I'm also partial to Irish Whiskey, so a bit harsh.
  17. Could you cite actual effect of this supposed loss of support? Lower international standing?
  18. It's all fun and games until..... Singer eyed as Israel’s Eurovision entry killed fighting in Gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/singer-eyed-as-israels-eurovision-entry-dies-fighting-in-gaza/
  19. Why all the trolling? I comment on my experience. You want to argue otherwise, go right ahead. As for flames, given your posts you shouldn't whine. Pointing out that you post on these topics without actually possessing much knowledge regarding them is an observation. I don't recall you previously being a feature on these sort of discussions, there topics. My guess is that you just got bored and found something handy to troll about.
  20. My thinking was that Hamas knew what it was getting the Gazans into. They don't care.
  21. Pffft....I was present. First hand experience. At the time, Pappe was even renting not far from me, asked to join the carpool, denied. Posted this (and other tidbits from my time there) on many past topics. As for the rest of your nonsense - I do not. That's your way of seeing things, and as pointed out, you don't have much of a clue (and frankly, not much of an opinion).
  22. @ozimoron If you way of 'reading' history is similar to how you 'read' topics here, then this doesn't say much.
  23. That's good old Pappe. A guy that when confronted said that the historical narrative serves the political one. The guy confronting him was a Palestinian student. You really have no clue.
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