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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. When I faced this question I choose Phuket. Not just for living, but also for working in diving.

    From Phuket it is al within reach: Similan, Surin, Shark Point area, Bida Islands, Hin Daeng and Hin Muang. So all the best sites, whereas from other places you are always limited in choice.

  2. This could lead to much discussion, but IMO: generally speaking in the North you either have Thai, very basic houses, or luxurious apartments and houses. In the South is more in between, 'normal' apartments and houses.

  3. I really don't understand thst stopping and paying.

    Every time i have driven to bangkok and beyond, i have only been stopped at regular checkpoints, and never forked out any money.

    Only driven this route with Thai in the car btw.

  4. Everyone in Phuket drives recklessly. Thai and expat alike. Without any fear of be stopped by the police, unless you are not wearing a helmet, then things will not improve.

    Hmm, I drive safely because of safety, not because of fear of police. And I know a lot of people do the same.
  5. Ok thanks. Do you know if the computer factors your air consumption into its decompression model, or is the integrated air function basically just a wireless air gauge?

    Decompression and air consumption are not really related. I presume you mean: does it predict how much longer I can stay underwater. As said: depends on the model.
  6. As a foreigner, just like that? No chance. Deposit 100.000 baht and you can get 50.000 baht credit, but the securities will always be worth far more than any credit here.

  7. You seem to presume they will stay on Phuket, but why? If they have a good education and want to remain in Thailand, Bangkok will in a lot of cases offer better opportunities.

    And of course if they have a real good education they have already left Thailand, otherwise they can't have that good education.

    To answer your questions: my kids are not mine by blood, and 100% Thai although I don't raise them that way.

    I hope one of them will follow me in the diving business, and the other one seems to be too intelligent for that, so he may get a real good education.

  8. At 10k baht the Zoop looks like pretty amazing value for money, I'll have a think about that one. Agree the Helios is over the top for me.

    I think part of the attraction of the Vyper and Cobra3 is the digital compass/integrated air opens the possibility of getting rid of the gauge hose entirely. However, if the transmitter dies/battery runs out that would leave you with no air gauge, and I'm not sure the digital compass would be a good substitute for the real thing.

    I would recommend against air integration, I see too many problems with that on the boats.
  9. It personally one I see as being so close to the bone I dont think getting time and motion experts on the case is going to result in significant savings to the consumer, tho I do agree about the waste on national resources as per efficiency. This subject effects many things here and is why so many items approach western pricing, because the supply chain, corruption, and various issues add waste which is ultimately a consumer cost.

    Just pay the 250 IMO and not worry.

    This inefficiency also keeps a lot of people at work, out of unemployment benefits (if the country were more efficient those would be unavoidable) and out of crime.

    So all in all I agree it could be a lot more efficient, but doubt more efficiency would be good for the country as a whole.

  10. Such as ??? I am sure they may exist, just racking my brains over when.

    Rail services, energy supply, postal services, all of these in many European countries. The governments have privatised all these services to the free market, and I can't think of any country where the service has improved and the prices have not skyrocketed, far more than the inflation.

    But I am sure you would agree, in the vast majority of times, if the buisness is equally for profit (unlike national services) free market forces help the consumer.

    Yes, agree with that.
  11. I would guess out of the 70k+ supposed expats in Pattaya that there are 20k+ (Western + Asian) who have a very nice lifestyle and would never even know about the "other" side of the place.
    So you're saying 50k, or over 70%, of the expats living in the Pattaya area are crooks?
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