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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. Yes, and the op's location is still unclear since he has not come back here, and there still is no Home Pro in Rawai.

    Also I don't know whether there are wsrning towers in Chalong yes or no.

  2. Many injured kids? Could be, but you know this because you have a frtiend who has a business in the same street as a school? Sounds very reliable.

    Where is Home Pro Rawai BTW?

  3. Buy the tickets on the ferry (I'm sure I paid 50bht)

    Buy the park ticket from the Park official on the beach (20bht with Thai driving licence ..... or was it 40?)

    Why not to buy return ferry ticket, of ticket from booth

    Several ferry operators, pre-paid ticket only good for 1 operator.

    Why not pay park ticket in advance, they will only sell at white person price (200bht) and then they keep the extra 180bht.

    Then you can't get ripped off by anyone.

    Yes, ferry tickets are 50bht. When I have bought on previous occasions it was always at the pier where you get on the boat and can actually see the ferry - that's were I strongly recommend buying one from.

    I disagree with the comment about the dual pricing. I speak enough Thai to explain I live and work it Thailand so it was only 40bht and not 200. They accepted with no quarrels, quite pleasant to be treated like a Thai person for a change and another reason why I really like Samed.

    That is also what Sarahsbloke said. So it seems you agree with the comment about paying 20 or 40 Baht for parking.

  4. The way you wrote your story it sounds like your girlfriend gave her ATM card and password to someone to make a with draw for her and they ended up taking an extra 20,000 baht out with out your girlfriends permission. Now because she willingly gave the card and pass code to someone the Bank is saying it is her fault that the person took out extra money. Is all this correct or have I missed something?

    I'm not saying I agree in the Bangkok Bank's stand on this matter if that is what happened (some western banks would refund your loss in this case)....

    You seriously think that if I give my ATM card and PIN code to a 3rd party to withdraw money for me, and later I complain to the bank that they took out more than agreed I will get a refund from a bank? You've got be kidding me.

  5. As a former Dive Instructor in Phuket I can say it doesn't matter with who you go because you end up with 50% of all diveboats on the same dive site and all divers are crashing into each other and on top of the coral (whatever is left over from previous destruction):realangry:

    Since you can avoid that it is very important who you dive with.
  6. They had their own boat (whilst the other companies 'shared' a boat - i.e. didn't have their own) so they were far more packed.

    Hmm, I have quite often guests on the Sea Bees boat, so when I have my guests there the Sea Bees boat is packed?

    There really is no connection at all between having an own boat and a boat being busy yes or no.

  7. Like LiK I continually get mail thats not addressed to me. Funny enough its always english writing and western names.. I think he just goes, thats 'farang' will take it to the 'farangs house' rather than actually look at the address.

    Funny, I only get Thai mail delivered to the wrong address. Normally I deliver it myself to the correct place.

    No problems with missing mail. I do have mail sent to my office address in stead of private address though, the latter address is impossible to find, so I don't even try.

  8. As a parent looking for a school i have been informed, and i think also psrents with kids at the school have been informed.

    Maybe the thread can be closed?

    Do you really think thats its your call stevenl?

    Its real easy if you have all the info that YOU need, just don't click on this thread. :)

    of course that is not my call, but i thought we were free here to give suggestions?

    Why do youmake things personal, no need for that at all.

    • Like 1
  9. All sounds fishy to me.
    I don't think it is fishy.

    Sounds to me like he had decided to leave or left already when he made his first post. It would have been better to mention that, but that does not make his comments less valid to me, in the process of deciding which school my kids to send to.

    So I do appreciate the comments of parents here, who seem to be satisfied, and Chozen1, who gave some points for consideration, and some of the others like Amy.

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