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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. Tirekicker... I have known Don for almost 8 years. If he approached you and said that, he had full intentions of fixing that problem. Knowing his staff, he must have gotten distracted and completely forgot about it. Not good, I know.

    That man does the equivalent of the work of maybe 10 of us farangs put together. Between trips all over Thailand doing qc work for his food factories and farms and other restaurants, this man works like a mule 7 days a week.

    I am not making excuses for him. Bad service and food is inexcusable. But the expectations from westerners for great fantastic service in Thailand is way too unrealistic. Having worked in resorts in upper management, I can tell you that Thais are the most difficult people to train. Particularly southern Thais.

    They are hard headed and refuse to accept responsibilities for their actions or learn new procedures. Unless you are there 24x7, they will do it their way. If you reprimand them the Thai way (big smile, do not worry, do not do it again next time) they quit!!

    I too have had bad service there, but I go back because Don fixes things and the food can be exceptional. He is an institution on this island and deserves support. Got a problem? Tell him! PM him first and you will get a quick response.

    But I agree. The service and sometimes the food leaves a lot to be desired.

    For those talking about Happy Days. Their food is very very good, if M is there. If she is not, the food there can be pretty unforgettable. Last pizza I had there (and they are very good) was burnt to a crisp and the English owner laughed about it when I brought it up. It ain't the food Shangri-La you all say it is.

    So maybe he should focus on less, and make sure the quality in that place is continously high?
  2. Went for the Sunday roast at dons cafe today, don is a very pleasant host and the meal at 199 baht which included soup, main meal and desert very well priced. don seems to be training new staff who don't seem to know what they are doing and take a fair while to get around to serving you. I ordered the roast lamb and my wife order a Thai dish of squid and rice which was far to salty. My meal when it came had plenty of meat (a mixture of lamb and pork), the vegetables which did not include potato(maybe they forgot to put it on the plate)seemed to have been boiled and then burnt in a pan for a short time, not what i call roast vegetables, maybe training new chef/cook.The pumpkin soup was delicious.

    I also tried the roast. Good pumkin soup, and also the beef and prok were excellent. The staff clearly had no idea what bto do with the set menu, and forgot the potatoes, so I asked them, and also had problems with the apple pie and icecream as desert (also included).

    No pudding with the roast.

  3. Looking at the website recommended it looks like the depreciation is better that 50,000.....

    I see a 2009 vios for 460,000. Brand New the Vios start at over 600,000.....

    Vios starts at 499,000 according to the Toyota website.
  4. Depends on what you want to buy?

    If it was a small Honda or Toyota then a 1 year old would make little scene........ maybe you could save 50,000 baht..

    new you would maybe find one with extras free even 1 years insurance free, so would cancel out the 50k savings + you would have a new 1st owner car.

    For what car would it make sense to buy second hand? IMO for none, but you seem to think differently?
  5. Don's Cafe opening is now at 08:00 and closing at 21:30. The 75 Baht choice of 12 different breakfast with beverage is being maintained.

    Starting Sunday August 30 an Engllish Roast meal will be searved consisting of roast lamb, roast beef and roast pork with all the trimmings. The Sunday roast is a result of many English residents wishing to have a good meal at a reasonable price of 199 Baht, children under 12 100 Baht.

    Any fixed times for the lunch?
  6. What happened to the total ban on all jetskis that was supposed to take place in Phuket?

    I recall that there was a period of about two years in which no new jetskis could be registered on the island (only replacements for currently registered units) in preparation for banning all jetskis from Phuket's beaches. Did government officials cave in to the jetski operators at some point?

    Yes, I think about 2 years ago they gave up on that idea.
  7. My apologies! Looking VERY closely at the Embassy website, I now see that his name is mentioned on the right hand side of the webpage. But why no subheading as is shown for the other 2 consulates?

    It hardly stands out on the page, does it?



    Yes, it does not stand out.

    My guess why Phuket is mentioned separately: they have to adjust the webpage, because there is no room for 3 boxes in the center of the page, and don't know how to do that.

  8. I think the OP should really prove that timeshare is a 'scam'.

    It would be good if he or any of the other posters could inform us of exactly what the timeshare involves.

    In my initial post I did not mention the word 'scam', because a timeshare or vacation rental sales is IMO not necessarily a scam.

    As explained, it becomes IMO a scam when the sellers are hiding what they are trying to sell. Pretending to do a survey when actually they are selling timeshare is IMO a scam.

    See also the first page of this thread BTW, where the same question was answered already.

  9. Does it matter? The word timeshare is about as 80's as perms and pop socks and has the same stigma.
    Loubrockbank, you're right, it doesn't really matter.
    It is only a form of selling. The OP does it in his shop, tailors do it, 7/11's do it. Just all in different ways. Buying and selling stuff makes the world go around, so just try and have an open mind smile.gif
    Yes, it is all selling, but some of the sales are done in a friendly manner, and some in a very aggressive way, which makes me resist them very much.

    While I don't agree with some of your ideas, I do appreciate your input here in this thread.

  10. @ stevenl, when i approach people i ask them if they have a second, if they say sure.. then i tell them about our promotion offer them tickets to shows or a scratchcard to come to out presentation.
    Sounds honest to me, I have no problems with that (I presume that includes telling them you're selling a time share and that the presentation is about selling them timeshare). I still don't like the way that is being sold, just as I don't like the tailors, but it is honest.

    What happened in front of my shop was different though, because when I told the tourists it was a timeshare, the seller accused me of stealing. So obviously he did not tell, and that is IMO scamming.

  11. Hello. I am an OPC in kata and patong sometimes. I have been doing this job for over a year. I think that i dont annoy tourists too much if they say no i say thanks! and ride away.
    And what do you tell them: hello, I'm doing a survey? or Hello, I'm trying to sell you a timeshare?
  12. As for the shop owner, OK its your shop and im sure you have more right to be there than an OPC however, how would you like it if the OPC one day shouted to one of your customers "Dont buy, its a scam !". Would you be happy ?
    No, I would not be happy, but that is not what I do. I tell them: 'it's timeshare'. So in your example, that would be: 'it's diving', which the tourist are fully aware of when they enter the shop.
  13. I just feel pity for OPC's, if that's what they're resorting to, trying to earn a living, it must be degrading for them.
    pagallim, totally agree with you there. However, these guys did make the choice freely and willingly. They could also make a different, and IMO more honourable, choice.
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