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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. When they just opened there were immigration officers on the pier every morning, so all, well nearly all, diving instructors at that point in time were working legally, the rest was scared to death and sorted things out straight away. But the last 2 years nothing much has happened there. I never see somebody there, but I'm there before the official opening times.

    So my guess is: only used for people coming in on boats at the moment.

  2. Easiest way would be: come to Thailand on a visa exempt or tourist visa (since you have a 1-way ticket I would recommend tourist visa) and start/buy an existing company here. That should cost you around 60,000 Baht all in all.

    You then employ yourself, go to a Thai embassy in a neighbouring country, apply for a Non immigrant B-visa, come back to Thailand and arrange a work permit. Nearly all instructors working here in the area do it that way, unless they have fixed employment with a diving centre and that diving centre provides them with the necessary paperwork to obtain the visa and work permit.

  3. If the understanding is that the law is there to protect jobs for Thais, then as I am not being paid, would a Thai do the "job" I am doing for no reward ? Additionally, there is no job for a Thai to do. Either I do it for no reward or it does not get done.
    Being paid or not really is not the issue. As already mentioned earlier in the thread, also for volunteer work a work permit is required, whether the job gets done without the volunteer is a different story, and not important at all with regards to the work permit issue.
    Not paying maintenance fees for condos is normal practice for many Thais. I guess he has pissed some Thai guy off.
    Yes, that happened for sure. And since he did give the guy an opening to get him, he is in deep shit now.
  4. When did I ever say you were wrong?
    in fact "all those knowledgeable" people you refer to should be able to tell you how wrong you are, TWICE
    Otherwise, I'll assume my point is made, you are wrong, and you will now have nothing to say.
    Here I have you saying, twice, that I was wrong.
    Sorry, I didn't know I had draw diagrams to explain the English language to avoid unprovoked attacks.

    "I'm more than happy to banter, even aggresively," Yes, you have made that quite clear.

  5. Why don't you point out to me what is "bashing" of other members? And to which members. You certainly can't be referring to my pointing out that even a work permit to work for free is not free, in fact expensive. So what is it?

    Otherwise, I'll assume my point is made, you are wrong, and you will now have nothing to say.


    What point has been made?

    I point out that also a volunteer, earning 0, can get a work permit. According to you I am wrong, fine, just check with some of the more knowledgeable people here on this forum, who have also indicated that also a volunteer can (and normally must) have a workpermit.

  6. Even after stating "Never heard of Firefly" ??
    I read his post: never heard of Firefly, found them online, and they offer the following trips Penang-Phuket:...

    I had some guests fly with them, and they were happy. But since hardly anybody seems to know them, maybe the promotion of Firefly has not been very effective.

  7. Just a few weeks ago Hans opened his small "Fruits of Trang" bakery on Viset Road, Rawai.
    Where on Viset Road is that one?

    Normally I buy my bread from Flintstones (flints one these days), but would not mind trying something else occasionally.

  8. Songkran is still some weeks out so I don’t think so.
    I know quite a few Thais who have left for home the last few days.

    This morning, coming from Rawai to the circle in Chalong: could drive straight through, arrived at the circle with just 3 cars in front of me. At other times the traffic jam stared already at the school. So very quiet.

    After that going from Rawai to Kata via the beach road: in between Iconic Bar and Kata encountered 4 minibuses, 7 motorbikes and 5 cars. That road is normally already not busy, but it was really quiet this morning.

  9. Well between Thalang-Monument-Pa klok it was like busy peak season traffic this morning and the Police was out at the busiest u-turns already 0715.
    That is probably traffic going out of Phuket for the Songkran holidays. Whereas the traffic in Patong and Chalong/Rawai is local or tourist traffic.
  10. I should have thought, though, that the real prize for the authorities would be to find that he had been conducting a property rental business without the appropriate company structure, visa, WP's, tax payments, etc., etc. Lots of money to be made from that one I suspect, compared with finding him guilty of some unpaid voluntary work.
    You may be on to something here, unless he does not rent the condo's out himself but has an agency take care of that.

    Since it sounds like the owner/management company of the condos reported him to the police, I would presume that if he was renting the condos out without proper paperwork they would also know about that and report him for that as well, not just the work permit.

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