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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. I'm pretty good with my sense of direction and once I've been shown a place once can pretty much get back to it, but I have to find it first and at least be given a general idea of location.

    This is the address if anyone can give me a pointer as to where it may be, even an approximation, something closer than a 1klm radius would be good



    I think it is the street along the Monday and Thursday market, where you'll also find the Muay Thai school.
  2. i only got it once but Dr. Thiti told me i could come back whenever i felt like i needed another one.

    It helped me for sure.

    Dr. Thiti, that is the guy who missed me having dengue fever, even though I told him I suspected I had it. Went to the hospital 2 days later, and there it was clear: dengue fever, you'd better stay here.

    That and other experiences have learned me that Dr. Chusak in Kata is much better than Thiti.

  3. I just renewed both my car and motorbike drivers license. I already had a 5 year license.

    required were:

    original passport + 2 copies of visa page and main page;

    doctor's statement, I got mine from Chusak in Kata, there is also one 2 minutes from the DL office;

    address confirmation from immigration + 1 copy;

    expired drivers licenses.

    First registration, after that reaction test, colour test, another colour test, after that payment and making pictures.

    All easily finished in 1/2 day, costs 860 Baht for DL's + 220 baht for pictures. I came in the morning, it was very budy, my guess is that the afternoon would have been much quieter.

  4. I think it went out of control. I doubt he expected the Red Shirts to be burning buses, threatening to blow up Din Deang with a tanker full of petrol, beating the residents of DinDeang when they told the Red Shirts to bugger off or the army to move in.

    So a miscalculation, an undiscipline mob that alienated and frightened the masses. So no massive up rising by the people. Hence he is not here "to lead the revolution".

    No, he knew this was coming, which is why he sent his whole family away from Thailand.

    His assets are frozen and he was losing influence, even in the areas that have been very supportive of him, which showed in the by elections that were held recently. This was his last gasp, he now has lost all credibility with hit main voices in Thailand.

  5. Abhisit might win an elction as the mayor of BKK, but in a national election he wouldn't stand a chance :D International confidence in thailand restored? You must be kidding, after the airport debacle a few months back and now this fiasco, Thailand is the laughing stock of S.E. Asia (and thats saying quite a bit) :o Tourisim and investment will continue to decline in thailand until there can be real elections, and even after an elected government is put in place it will take Thailand years to restore international confidence again! There are many investors and tourists that will never return.
    Thaksin's cronies did not win the last elections.

    I think that 1 month ago if there had been elections he would have won, but he now lost all credibility, even with a lot of his followers.

  6. Unreal - let the games begin

    Was he in the CAR?>

    "The government has to declare the state of emergency to restore normality as soon as possible"

    Who's definition of normality is that then?

    Does this mean the red shirt leaders will be sharing the same cell with the yellow shirt leaders? That would be my definition of normality.

    Since I am convinced 'the people' want an end to all this, that would be the best solution. Just let the leaders fight it out there and everybody else get on with their lives.
  7. The Govt has NO control on the Police at all. The Army may have to step in due to the indecisiveness of the PM. At the moment it is Mob Rule and that ain't goin' no where - fast. The special forces were pulled back at ASEAN - because the Red Sh*ts were angry? Diddums - you have got to be joking. Take a stand and that will involve batons, tear gas and anything else necessary to remove unruly, unlawful mobs. Right now - civil disobedience, criminal assault and willful damage are three charges that come to mind in this lawless situation. Careful - many Thai's have told me they have had enough and are talking now abut taking steps to stop this insanity unless the PM does something. To ignore it would be folly. They care nought about the impression they are making on the outside world. This is Thai Vs Thai. Let's hope it torrents down and cools some of the stupidity of the two factions of buffalo's facing off against each other.
    I see only one angry faction lately. The yellows have been very quiet, which is good. Hope it stays that way.
  8. Was there yesterday.

    Not Villa's fault, but the motorbike parking is out of the way.

    Lots of things for sale, and a good selection of cheeses, wines and lots of other things. And if you want something special worth a visit. But if you're looking for something that is also for sale in another supermarket like Big C, Lotus or even 7/11, you'll pay 10-20% more for the same in Villa. Also frozen meals, same stuff for sale at Flintstones for considerably less.

  9. I'm waiting for the PAD leaders to come out and say that entering government and private property is not the way to do it.


    the PAD have been rather quiet lately,

    well, who can blame them, they have "guilty" written all over their face.havent got a leg to stand on.

    Just like the guy in your avitar.

    guilty or not, the guy in my avatar won this round,yes so did democracy. LOL

  10. I am not alighned with any movement, in fact I have no bias at all except for correct political democracy and rights.


    The fact remains.....the DEMOCRATICLY elected overnment was brought down by a few behind the scene string pullers manipulating a few hundred yellow people for their own greed (ends) and installed a group of "puppets" to do their bidding.....

    Now that the majority of people demand a new (fairly run) election, they are in the wrong??? Note.....asking for an election not a return to the previous government ....What majority? I think the majority just wants this farce to end and get on with their lives.

    If the present administration (if you can call it that) have confidence in their ability and believe they are right, why not hold an election???

    The yellows were given free rein to kill and maime....and wreck the Thai economy......

    The reds have been peacefull to date...only putting pressure to bear for a fair deal......why condemm the reds from acting withing their rights?

  11. Sling shots with bolts and fire bombs... Pretty much shows me what I needed to see about red shirt protestors.

    You obviously didn't follow the tv and articles about the yellowshirts with guns shown on tv firing at people, or are you one of the baying mob on here kissing the arse of the incumbent government,it appears from a lot of posters here that it was perfectly ok for the yellows to do what they wanted but not for the reds,hypocrites the lot of them, espousing about democracy my arse your just a baying mob most of you and a lot just getting on the bandwagon.

    When the yellow shirts took over the airport, somebody asked me if I was pro Red or Pro Yellow, I said I was Blue. dam_n, now I need to buy a new shirt. Is there a green group, how about Purple?

    I am wearing orange right now, but I guess I'll have to change that as well.
  12. Surprisingly there are not very many of them, far less than you'ld expect in a place like Phuket. Very few Dutch diving instructors for example.

    Pim and Els, as mentioned already, can help you.

    I'm Dutch, but I must admit I don't make any effort at all in meeting other Dutchies, simply don't have the time for it, plus I don't like those ex-pat clubs at all.

  13. When they just opened there were immigration officers on the pier every morning, so all, well nearly all, diving instructors at that point in time were working legally, the rest was scared to death and sorted things out straight away. But the last 2 years nothing much has happened there. I never see somebody there, but I'm there before the official opening times.

    So my guess is: only used for people coming in on boats at the moment.

  14. Easiest way would be: come to Thailand on a visa exempt or tourist visa (since you have a 1-way ticket I would recommend tourist visa) and start/buy an existing company here. That should cost you around 60,000 Baht all in all.

    You then employ yourself, go to a Thai embassy in a neighbouring country, apply for a Non immigrant B-visa, come back to Thailand and arrange a work permit. Nearly all instructors working here in the area do it that way, unless they have fixed employment with a diving centre and that diving centre provides them with the necessary paperwork to obtain the visa and work permit.

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