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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. Scams scams and more scams from thes short sighted dishonest people.

    Mark your own card with your initilas..and point this out to the greedy scamming idiots...and how much you have spent,with your receipt in hand.

    It's fun seeing these people lose face.

    Do the same when they forget the 1 or 2 baht change for gasoline at the pumps when filling up.

    same as with the frequently wrongly totalled bill.

    Chalenge them repeatedly and vote with your feet.

    Strange Barney,

    None of those things seem to happen to me. Maybe something to do with your attitude?

  2. That last lap really was incredible. Lorenzo should have closed the door for Rossi, but he never expected him to overtake where he did. Never saw a race like that, and now all 3 of them have 206 points. It is looking like an excellent series again this year.

  3. I don't think anyone is trying to promote the place,
    2 members, each with 19 posts, and nearly all those posts inviting people to come to Moby Dick because of the nice atmosphere, good curry, cheap BBQ, etc.

    I would call that promotion.


    So what, don’t read them, i don’t care if people try to get customer but you do it looks like

    Yes, I do care because I don't think the forum was meant to be used this way.
  4. I don't think anyone is trying to promote the place,
    2 members, each with 19 posts, and nearly all those posts inviting people to come to Moby Dick because of the nice atmosphere, good curry, cheap BBQ, etc.

    I would call that promotion.

  5. To answer the OP: no, I don't take notice of the red flags, because they offer no value at all since they don't say anything about the swimming conditions, only about the time of year.

    I don't believe in signs, since also these signs will be there for the whole summer/green/low season, so they also don't offer any valuable information. In potential the red flags could, provided they are pulled up and down, depending on the safety situation.

  6. Take a red flag serious.
    One of the problems is, that the red flags go up at the end of high season, and are only taken down at the beginning of the next high season, even though there are plenty of days in between when the seas are excellent and safe for swimming. So a lot of people don't take the red flags serious.
  7. The one thing I would AVOID is analgesics like voltaren and celebrex etc. Aspirin I would also avoid. Voltaren cream and any analgesic creams are fine.
    Sorry, I don't get this. Avoid analgesics but analgesic creams are fine?
  8. Some people, myself included, own their land/property through a company, with a non-majority shareholding but with majority voting rights. Is that going to be his next statement, that a Farang who provides funds to a company for the purchase of land will lead to the title deeds being revoked???
    I think, but may be wrong here, that the title already can be revoked if the only activity of the company is the ownership of the land.
  9. Hi

    Patak rd in Kata, think they call it beach boy, when you come over the hill from Chalong its on your left hand side, about 200-400 meters from the turn of to the beach,its a little back from the rd, dont know if they want to repair it but sure they can get you a new bike.

    A bit further down the road is Siam Bikes? (or something like that). They have much more in stock than Beach Boy and are much better sorted as well. Last time I went to Beach Boy to buy some bike shoes they referred me to Siam Bikes. Siam Bikes is down the road from Beach Boy, just past the thanon Katekwan intersection (coming from Chalong), also on the left hand side.
  10. I'd be willing to bet 100 baht that's what happened in regards to the original post.
    You daredevil. If the landlord is Thai, which I presume he is and the house they were renting is a normal Thai style bungalow, I guess the landlord did not have any insurance at all.
    Demand payment and take tenants to court while you collect from your insurance company.
    That won't work, not even in Thailand.

    BTW, your posts would be easier to read if you would use the 'quote function' that is why it is available.

  11. So Steveni would this be on the rental aggrement.? Maybe a person renting could look ?

    I am sure 99% of renters would not be aware they that the insurance of the building was down to them.

    If it is on the rental agreement That would be fair comment.

    No, not necessary on the rental agreement, because it is the law. Again, that is what I was told a long time ago, and I therefor have insured the shop I'm renting. The house is no problem, if that goes it will be cheap enough to rebuild.
    Really? So all of these mysterious shophouse fires on Bangla will have to be paid for by the tenants that were renting the shop? Sounds like a great racket if you own a dilapidated building, have tenants and need some cash.
    If the landlord were responsible, he only needs to insure and collect, so what is the difference? I don't see any racket here (well, of course things like this are tried all over the world every day).
    I'm really surprised that we don't hear of my houses burning down that are rentals.
    Maybe because the tenants don't have insurance?
  12. >>for a start i would not be in their circumstances

    Does that mean that you would never rent a house in Thailand, or that you would rent a house with no electricity? Or would you have renters insurance and after the fire was declared an electrical accident, you would double up your renters insurance in case you came back to Thailand and were no found to have started the fire by a new arson investigator that was in the landlord's pocket?

    Added:  Personally I don't like the whinging or begging either, but that's besides the point.

    Simply insure the house you';re renting, and it is no problem. Not like back home only the contents of the house, but you also have to insure for the 'hardware'.

    The cause of the fire is irrelevant, the were renting so they were responsible.

  13. I have never ever heard of a renter being liable for a fire short of arson. I don't rent here but you just provided more reasons for us to buy rather than rent. I have a lot of sympathy for this couple, I do think they were shafted, I do think they had no reasonable choice but to plead guilty so that plea is MEANINGLESS (as are most in Thailand). However, I don't think they have a chance of recovering much money with that blog. They are hardly starving children in Africa. They are young Americans and most of the world thinks such people are on easy street. They may have had a good chance for a book/movie deal if they had spent 10 years in Thai prison but happily for them that didn't happen. This country is truly a mine field. To the rednecks who say som na na, I say there by the grace of God go you ...

    Spot on jingthing As for liability I would have thought the Landlord should have the place Insured If the place was to be rented then Insurance should be obtained to include that liability

    I did rent a House in the UK fully Insured as a Let property. The House was Gutted quite a bad fire.

    My Tennant was seen runing away from the property.

    My Insurance Paid to have the property repaired cost £23000 That is over 1 Million Baht 10 Years ago now.

    Point is it IS the Owners responsablity.

    The Insurance company did Not pursue the Tennant They told me it was piontless. Arson would have to be proven in court.

    If it was, Recovery of losses from a person with little or no money = pointlessIs

    Is that cover available in Thailand ?? No money = Jail.

    That will not get the property Fixed only GOOD Insurance will do that. Or Extortion

    Yes, back home the owner is responsible, in Thailand not, the tenant is responsible. Since we are in Thailand, and they were renting in Thailand, a story of how things went in the UK is not applicable here.
  14. extortion?????

    hesse and logan were found guilty and are now telling their ludicrous story whilst begging for money

    YOu mean URica and Logan? They were free to leave the country after it happened.. and were not liable the first time around.!!!!!! Many places burn due to electrical wiring here. ..

    Well, they left the country, probably before everything could be sorted out properly. But also at that time they were liable for the damages to the house. They were renting, so they were liable.

  15. I know back home the house owner is supposed to have insurance, but I always thought here the renter/lessee is supposed to have the insurance (I do for the shop anyway).

    If that is the case, that means they had to pay the landlord, cigarette or electrical.

  16. Both time motorists took off when the red numbers had counted down to zero even though the opposing lights were still green.
    How do you know, were you able to see both the numbers and the lights? It sounds to me more like the numbers went to zero, the motorists took off while from the opposing side the lights had turned red but they did not care too much about that.
  17. tried to do same b4 but got almosyt zero interest

    the ones that work in the dive industry dont want to pay to dive and / or dive on their day off

    maybe better to try and organise a forum trip to somewhere like sipadan in july / august and see if there are any takers for that

    Agree with that, a trip somewhere else might be a better idea (although I won't be there). I work an live in the diving industry here, and don't want to go diving if I have a day off, and if I'm working I'm getting paid to go diving, not paying for it.
  18. I snorkel everyday in a pool in Canada. I want to continue my habit while in Thailand - preferably enjoying some real ocean too. Not sure whether I can get good value fins (strap type so fit easily in luggage) in Bangkok or whether to go to my local huge selection dive shop in Canada. Of course there are many options in Canada, including craigslist second-hand. When I shopped for scuba material in Phuket, it was imported from Italy and I could have done better back home. Not sure about goggles and fins. Suggestions?
    Well, that means you did not look around very good on Phuket. Especially masks and fins are locally made, and excellent value for money, for a good quality mask you will pay around 30 US$ less here. Also wetsuits are good and cheap, as are some of the fins.

    The major brand equipment is in general about the same price as all over the world, there tends to be not much difference in price for that.

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