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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 2 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

    The $90+ million was underwritten by Federal Insurance of Indiana founded in 1901.


    Once the bond has no further objections from team Carroll and is approved by the Court, they have all the information from FIC/Chubb they are going to get.


    If one were to ask more in depth questions as above, FIC might say that was all handled by Chubb re-insurance subsidiaries in Bermuda or Switzerland or Lloyd's of London..


    Go ask them.

    I very much doubt reinsurance is involved, collateral seems much more likely.

  2. 8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    My point was totally valid.


    The dominant leftist narrative today about Israel is that Israel should have never existed in the first place and should not exist now.


    Jews are indeed being put up to Jew hating Israel demonizing litmus tests whether you admit the truth or not.


    ‘Should Israel exist?’ Should not be the question | The Hill

    "The dominant leftist narrative today about Israel is that Israel should have never existed in the first place and should not exist now.".


    The dominant narrative is a 2-state solution.

    • Agree 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    There is  certainly no denying the evidence of the center located under UNRWA HQ in Gaza or that certain UN members were involved in the attack and brought bodies back to Gaza along with holding hostages in Gaza.

    There is evidence the Israel government led by netanyahu funded Hamas. They'd better look closer to home.

    • Haha 1
  4. 7 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    The Chalong Police told the Phuket Express that over the past weekend they inspected an unidentified company in Chalong. A 38 year-old Russian woman and a 26 year-old Belarusian woman were found working at the company.

    They were unable to present legal work permits to officers. They were taken to the Chalong Police Station to face charges of working without legal permission.


    And the undisclosed company owner, also arrested and charged for employing illegal workers

    Normally the company would be fined, under or over the table. ATM though it's all about arrests.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    The Incel and Misogynist Brigades of the trump cult---which likely is all inclusive of his male sycophants---might not enjoy this thread, as it hits donny in his small spot. Of course they will attack Stormy, if they even venture here. Already a poster is criticizing her for being a gold digger and liar.


    Not sure what Stormy lied about, but trump broke every conceivable record for mendacity, and in terms of a Lying Potus, he is the immoral equivalent of Cy Young, owner of a record that will never be broken.


    Whatever Stormy made of her life, to criticize or condemn her, but ignore the guy who dallied with her just after his 3rd wife gave birth and was home caring for the newborn, is the height of hypocrisy. Similarly, to criticize her for her career, but ignore the easily Google-able images of trump's 3rd wife in nude poses with other women, plus her falsely obtained Einstein Visa to get into the US, are equally hypocritical.


    Michael Cohen did time in jail for being the bagman in the Stormy hush money affair, yet trump---aka Individual One in the indictment---has so far escaped punishment. Some of that karmic punishment will come beginning 25 March, as the Hush Money trial opens in NY. Prosecutors will likely attempt to lend credibility to their witnesses by asking Stormy and Karen McDougal, and perhaps even Marla Maples, to describe donny's junk (Remember his response when in the 2016 Repub candidate debate Marco Rubio commented on trump's very tiny.....hands?). Stormy has previously stated publicly how donny didn't exactly measure up. It will likely hit trump right at Ground Zero of his insecurity complex. I wonder if we'll soon see a new trumpian NFT where donny portrays himself as John Holmes? It can't be any sillier than his already-issued NFTs, where he pretends to be a fighter pilot and astronaut. Soooooo Presidential!

    "Prosecutors will likely attempt to lend credibility to their witnesses by asking Stormy and Karen McDougal, and perhaps even Marla Maples, to describe donny's junk "

    I don't see that necessary and therefore I think in admissable.

    Agree with the rest of your post.


  6. On 3/9/2024 at 5:53 AM, Olmate said:

    Ok thanks, so eg operating a travel kiosk,? outside 7/11 selling tours trips, realestate,to Russian speaking clients may be ok

    No, sales is not allowed. You're allowed to advise, but a Thai must close the sale like accept money and issue a receipt/ voucher.

    On 3/9/2024 at 6:00 AM, hotchilli said:

    Depends on how much the palms have been greased.

    Not at the moment.

  7. 2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    100% Agree....        Its difficult to have a discussion making a point from this perspective without some binary thinker dichotomising the situation into one whereby if we don't want the swiss man hung, we must be supporting him...  which of course isn't true.


    BUT... what I see here is the juvenile nature in-which this issue was turned into a witch-hunt....  The issue now of course is that social media has registered such a high-click-density that it has its recipe to generate further Ad-revenue....  


    .... Thus we end up with a media-led fervour which influences the official response....



    Imagine a Thai woman in a BMW dangerously cuts me up and causes an accident in which her arm is broken, I get out and shout at her for causing the accident and this is caught on social media....   there are numerous stories covering the incident which concentrate on what a bad foreigner I am for shouting at her, and swearing !!!.....    Social media asks for heads !!!.....    Authorities investigate and find out that I had a 2 day over-stay 15 years ago and I should be deported and black-listed..... 


    Of course, unlikely - but we can see how social media and the media have influenced the decision of authorities to investigate more and find deeper issues....    So, is this now the status quo ?....   have a problem with a local and all of our dealings, visa, business etc is dug up and investigated... just incase the can find something to use against us... ???


    Is this going to empower locals to behave with an air of superiority with foreigners ???


    OR... (as I reality believe) - is nothing going to change and this really is not going to impact any of us anyway ?... 

    I've never come around to the idea that foreigner is always at fault, I consider I've always been treated fairly and expect that I'll continue to do so....   


    This weeks examples have just been a couple of scummy foreigners behaving poorly and thankfully Thai's are smarter than this and deal with us individually based on our individual merits. 





    Good post except for the over the top 'what if'.

  8. 2 hours ago, thesetat said:

    If this picture is supposed to be this foreigner blocking the ambulance. It is clear that the foreigner is also blocked in traffic in which case he could not move out of the way anyway. As for giving the ambulance the finger seems a little harsh but perhaps this was caused by something the ambulance did while behind the foreigners car. maybe yelling over the PA for the foreigner to move when it was obvious he could not. This Swiss man is having everything possible that can be made to show him in a negative light come to the news. Perhaps the news is trying to fuel the fire to Thais and enticing even more anti-foreigner feelings to spread to an already prejudice issue. 

    I see lots of space top move to the side.

    • Agree 1
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