So you're asking me, perfectly healthy and sane, to explain why someone, possibly no sane, conducts an attack. Sorry, I can't help you with that.
But on the Wiki page provided earlier it does give an explanation about his thoughts.
Same link as provided earlier. I presume bbc is a trusted source.
"According to some German news reports, the suspect was not known to authorities as an Islamist extremist, while social media and posts online appear to suggest he had been critical of Islam"
Without musk it's doubtful trump would be in the tent. Although i'm sure trump won't have any doubts.
But the main thing for trump is that he can implement policies favouring himself and look good on TV. He won't care about anything else and will let musk do what he wants, which will result in musk further enriching himself and increasing his importance.
There we go again. Anyone challenging the official Israeli narrative is shot down with the official Israeli narrative. And in the process of course accused of supporting hamas or being anti-Semitic.
Plenty of differences between those 2 definitions already, and there are many more. Again, up to you, please stop baiting me. I have stated my opinion.
Up to you. There are different definitions for 'zionism', i don't care in which box you want to put me.
I agree with this statement 'Israel has the right to exist behind secure borders as the homeland of the world's Jews'.