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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 11 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I judge others on their posting record, not what they later claim.


    My view is you constantly present pro-Trump legal arguments.

    Others, I am sure, have their own view.


    I do have other views.


    He is posting factual, you're posting opinion mixed with facts. And when he posts an opinion it is clear he's not supporting trump. I'd say moderate democrat, like Biden, but that's speculation.

    • Like 1
  2. 53 minutes ago, Tug said:

    Why would her personal life put the trial in jeopardy?there is ample evidence to convict trump over the top evidence no brainer evidence guilty dog standing in the middle of the evidence video evidence recording evidence confession by lackey evidence trumps a naughty boy and deserves punishment lock him up!

    Not her personal life, but possibly unethical behaviour as DA.

  3. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    All those posters who are not concerned about the legal aspects of passing on their fortunes to their intended beneficiaries should bear in mind that if their wife can bypass the system and persuade the bank to go along with her by dishing out the cash without the authority to do so (only 'probate'/administration gives it that authority) then other third  parties (who were not supposed to be beneficiaries) could also do that and get money that they intended to go to their wives.  It's a two-way street.

    So my wife having the pincode, thereby being able to access the account without probate, allows other third parties to do the same?

  4. 6 hours ago, impulse said:

    She was the beneficiary of the people's money that she arranged to pay him.


    Big showstopper. 


    Not only that, it goes to her ethics, and what other ethical tenets she'd be willing to cast aside. Clouds every case she's ever been involved in.

    "Not only that, it goes to her ethics, and what other ethical tenets she'd be willing to cast aside. Clouds every case she's ever been involved in."

    Way over the top.


    Stupid behaviour on her part, whether true or not, that puts this trial in jeopardy.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    He knows the media will only use it to ridicule him, so IMO he is doing the right thing by not showing up. I remember the time when the moderator was openly biased against him in the 2016 debates.

    He won't lose any votes by not going on them.

    Nothing at all to do with the media.

    He just can't allow himself to be challenged on stage. He only has to lose by debating.

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