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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 16 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


    It's mainly beige drivel, country pop aimed at angsty teenage girls who have just broken up with their boyfriend. Pretty much every song I've heard follows the same theme. 


    She seems popular amongst Liberals though, and given the content of her songs will probably provide them with some comfort after the elections in November :laugh:

    You realize your claims have been debunked already in the other thread about her? But never mind, what are facts when you have an opinion.

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  2. 28 minutes ago, Arindos said:


    I really doubt that Israel would lose favour. You forget that the "Islamists" and Arab cause have very little sympathy in Africa and Asia. Russia and India have populations that have been getting more Islamophobic and not less Islamophobic as time has gone forward.


    How many million Muslims in India?

    Russia will support anything against the west, so will china to a lesser extent.

    No Arab sympathy in Africa? On what basis do you write that, you're aware that the whole area north of Sahara is Muslim?

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  3. 1 hour ago, impulse said:

    Gotta say.  They've changed the goalposts so often that I didn't even know how long I was supposed to isolate.  Which was okay, because I never got Covid in the USA.  And with 4% of the world's population and 16% of the world's Covid deaths, I don't know why anyone would listed to the CDC or the FDA anyway. 


    Especially since the USA is the most expensive healthcare system in the world and mediocre results at best.


    But I envision a bunch of knobs in meetings for weeks on end, sweating to hash out each word.


    So you don't know and don't care but managed to get a rant in.

  4. 6 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Don't know where I stated that.


    The 20th Century is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.  People living in the past, waste of time & brain cells.  Nobody seems to learn from history, so what's the point.

    "Don't know, don't care, didn't watch vid. Is it just another person's opinion of the past ? No matter, it's irrelevant. Better things to do."

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  5. 2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Don't know, don't care, didn't watch vid.  Is it just another person's opinion of the past ?  No matter, it's irrelevant.  Better things to do.


    Only thing that really matters is 21st Century, 2008, 2014, Minsk agreement, USA backed coup, Crimea, bombing of Donbas & other areas, all leading up to RU's decision of enough is enough.


    He said it more than a few times, he's been and is ready to talk peace.  Takes 2 to have a conversation :coffee1:


    Don't care about RU, or UA.  Doesn't affect my life at all, and sucks being them.

    So you dismiss Putin's line of thinking as irrelevant.

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  6. 11 hours ago, dhupverg said:

    Glen Greenwald is pretty independent.  I agree that 99% of media is propoganda.  MSM is handed a script that they recite from and are told what stories to cover/not cover.


    Notice how the farmer uprising all over Europe is pretty much bottled up.  You won't see the BBC, CNN, MSNBC etc covering this.  This is just one example of how MSM is steered to cover certain things, and not to cover other things.

    You see msm in Europe covering it.

    Your wording 'farmer uprising ' is telling.

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