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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 8 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    No , what? it was a very short unsupported by any facts opinion. 

    Got it the first time. 

    Certainly not an interesting enough opinion to read it twice.

    But to night , if I can't sleep I might :laugh:

    Then I give up on your reading/comprehension abilities.

    • Haha 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    That was me with the laughing emoji by the way.

    No disrespect to you . and I was not laughing at you, I just found it funny , abd what a waste of time it is getting involved in these subjects. I spend a considerable time in research advancing the proposition that Ukraine was invaded by the Russians because it would not romaine neutral, and when I ask , "what would happen if if it had remained neutral" I ge a it would had been invaded anyway.



    No, read my answer again slowly.

  3. 1 hour ago, Pouatchee said:


    geeez.... i just love guys like you. so blind in your convictions that you are willing to steam roll anything in your path. BOTH are idiots. you think that its the actual president who comes up with the policies? if you do well... 

    bash me all you want. i wont respond to you anymore. 

    Does it matter who comes up with the policies? The president hires a team and the team comes up with the policies. 

    Imo except Trump who knows all about everything better than anyone.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Another contribution of immense value.


    And the topic of discussion is Jingthing's opinion?  Or is it Tucker Carlson's interview in Moscow?  You're confusing parroting with quoting for information.  If we're going to discuss the guy and his interview, shouldn't we hear from the guy who did the interview? 


    But you guys feel free to go ahead and keep discussing your opinions and the well considered evidence you're presenting to back them up.  I appreciate all the work you're doing to educate us.


    Weren't you and others posting how much you valued TC due to him not giving his opinions but let the interviewee speak?

    • Agree 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Galong said:

    I added him/her to my 'ignore' list as anyone who would say something like that is not likely to ever post anything worth reading. 😉

    There is, of course, a smorgasbord of expats here. Yes, some are dreadful and others are delightful. There is a bunch in the middle. It's the way reality works in most destinations I'm guessing.

    That's the attitude, ignore people calling you out.

    Have fun in your echo chamber.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Doesn't have to be reported for it to be false, either, but, in the absence of any suggestion, never mind evidence of your claim, why bring it up?

    I didn't bring it up.

    But in my experience, dealing with all kinds of tourists, very likely the scammer is Russian. Not everything has to be proven to be brought up.

  7. 2 hours ago, Northstar1 said:

    Well over 100k Russians in Georgia.

    they already have taken 20 percent of the country, cost of living is out of control as is rent prices. Is this the next Ukraine?

    A probably unintentional development but very much welcomed by Putin. I would expect the same thing to be happening in other neighboring countries.

  8. 5 hours ago, Paris333 said:

    I don't know exactly what the legal penalties are in Thailand for possession of fake euros but in the European Union the penalties are minimal for criminals although we are not talking about of European citizen but for British national after Brexit.....of Europe. If I have on my pocession dollar or Thaibaht it doesnt mean that I am American or Thailander......
    The courts in E.U States "criminal paradise" do not punish offenders with high penalties because these cases are prosecuted as a forger of a work of art and not currensy......I explain the legal process.......in Courts!




    I don't think this is correct, looking forward to your links.

  9. 8 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Why should I ask myself anything when I'm still waiting for an answer to the question that you don't have an answer for..."why do you claim that the TP have less expertise and maybe no jurisdiction"?   The onus is on you to justify that daft claim, not for me to try to find your answer.

    Of course the tourist police will not investigate this themselves.

    • Like 1
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  10. 12 minutes ago, Thonburi-tales said:

    I lived in an apartment building in BKK which had loads of Srilankans. They were all dirty and cops knew it. They paid cops and immigration every month.

    They mostly travelled on Canadian and UK passorts and would recruitc mostly Brit farangs to do ATM fraud as well.

    What has 1970s Columbo tv show got to do with it  FFS.

    What have Sri Lankans got to do with it.


    **Flame edited out.


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