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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 12 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


    Those disgraceful politicians you refer to, and I remember this case well, had first-hand knowledge of what this misfit did.


    They stated at the time, if the British public had access to the information that they had, nobody would be giving her an ounce of sympathy.


    This information was held by the judges at her hearing, hence many things were redacted, and a closed judgement issued for national security reasons.


    This included participating and witnessing decapitation of aid workers, and she said at the time when ISIS was flying high that she was totally unfazed by it.


    Furthermore, at the time, it was known that she was in a high position in the equivalent of the Women's morality ' police force ' set up to ensure all were following ISIS twisted version of Shariah law, again something she participated in willingly.


    So all you bleeding hearts on AN can do one! 


    They should put themselves in the position of the families, and reserve their outpourings of sympathy for the of murder of innocent civilian aid workers, not a disgusting creature like this.


    What she did supporting ISIS, she did knowingly and willingly, and this continued well into adulthood. She only played the victim, claiming she was trafficked when the tide of the war turned.


    She wasn't trafficked, she overcame many obstacles to get there and join them, well she can bloody stay there.


    Her own parents had begged her not to go and join them, which she and her two friends took no notice of.


    Likewise, she had ample opportunity to apply for her Bangladeshi citizenship before she turned 21, which she chose to ignore and do nothing.













    Those disgraceful politicians you refer to, and I remember this case well, had first-hand knowledge of what this misfit did.




    They stated at the time, if the British public had access to the information that they had, nobody would be giving her an ounce of sympathy.




    This information was held by the judges at her hearing, hence many things were redacted, and a closed judgement issued for national security reasons.




    This included participating and witnessing decapitation of aid workers, and she said at the time when ISIS was flying high that she was totally unfazed by it.




    Furthermore, at the time, it was known that she was in a high position in the equivalent of the Women's morality ' police force ' set up to ensure all were following ISIS twisted version of Shariah law, again something she participated in willingly.




    So all you bleeding hearts on AN can do one! 




    They should put themselves in the position of the families, and reserve their outpourings of sympathy for the of murder of innocent civilian aid workers, not a disgusting creature like this.




    What she did supporting ISIS, she did knowingly and willingly, and this continued well into adulthood. She only played the victim, claiming she was trafficked when the tide of the war turned.




    She wasn't trafficked, she overcame many obstacles to get there and join them, well she can bloody stay there.




    Her own parents had begged her not to go and join them, which she and

    her two friends took no notice of.


    All totally unimportant in relation to the legal decision to revoke her citizenship.

    Morality and legality don't always match.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Simple answer:

    Yes with an accompanying IPD which can be obtained from the Provincial Land Transport Office. 



    Slightly more complex answer:

    GF needs to hold a permanent or 5 year driving licence (not a temp 2 year license) to obtain an IDP.

    There are two main IDP Conventions - 1949 and 1968.

    Find out which Convention your destination countries are a signatory.

    Some countries (such as UK) have a mutual agreement in place and an IDP is not required (still, its best to be covered with an IDP if you are unsure).






    I don't know of any EU county requiring an IDP when the license is in English, like the Thai one.

    • Agree 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Trump has raised $1 million via GoFundMe. His appeal will cost $455 million.


    He is also fundraising directly.


    If I had to guess, his Saudi friends will help him. Or the Chinese.

    Even for those who can afford it, it's a big gamble. In order to pay off he would have to be elected and stay in function for a full term and the house would have to be cooperative.

    • Agree 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

    If I post a source... which is available to anybody who is smart enough to use google... will you read it or do the usual liberal left turn and just deride the source?  That's the problem with the forum rule on sources... it becomes about your OPINION ABOUT the source...

    "So you have an opinion and stick to it, no matter what"... right?

    That's the problem with untrustworthy/unreliable sources. 

    • Haha 1
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  5. 1 hour ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

    Spoken like a true liberal... your perspective is sooo distorted that you cannot detect when someone is left of center because you have no center to use as a starting point... and no "the result " means nothing to me... I could care less about who did what and who is better than who... I leave that to you.

    So you don't care but do post in the thread.

    And nothing on your claim the source is biased.

    So you have an opinion and stick to it, no matter what.

    • Haha 1
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