Vat Refund for Tourists conditions -
Goods must be purchased from stores displaying the "VAT REFUND FOR TOURISTS" sign.
Goods must be taken out of Thailand with the traveler within 60 days from the date of purchase.
Goods must be purchased at least 2,000 baht (VAT included) per day per store.
On the purchasing date, tourists must present Passport and ask the sales assistant to issue the VAT Refund Application for Tourists form (P.P.10) with the original tax invoices.
Tourists must present the goods and VAT Refund Application for Tourists form (P.P.10) with original tax invoices to a Customs officer for inspection before check-in.
In case of luxury goods (jewelry, gold, ornaments, watches, glasses, and pens of which the value is over 10,000 baht), the tourist is required to hand carry and show the goods again at the VAT Refund for Tourists
Office, after passing the immigration checkpoint.
Tourists can claim a VAT refund at the VAT Refund for Tourists Counter at an international airport, or drop the documents into the box in front of the VAT Refund for Tourists office, or mail the documents to the Revenue Department of Thailand.