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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. They won't see a penny from me. I will vote with my feet if we get to that point.
  2. Eliminate? ???? Uncle Scam didn't manage to eliminate goat-herders let alone leaders with 1000s of nukes at their disposal.
  3. Feckless/stupid parents. Kids even more so.. What could possibly go wrong..
  4. That should fix the problem ????
  5. Nice try. When was the last time you saw any if these? I'm crisscrossing the roads of south Thailand for years now (day and night) and I have only encountered one civet cat. ???? So much for your list. I can drive out at night in Blighty and I will encounter several foxes, badgers etc
  6. You mentioned kids..and I gather,you are well-off. Malaysia all the way. Singapore is a notch higher but too small for my taste.
  7. Forget about countryside and wildlife here. Most land is cultivated and/or private,and only pockets of (inaccessible) forest remain. No mammals to speak of...only birds and reptiles. If you attempt to hike ,on back roads, you will constantly be harassed by dogs. I would recommend E. Europe if you are into wildlife and hiking. Having no visa issues and free healthcare are bonuses too.
  8. Oz news? ???? On a cold day in hell.
  9. Sometimes they ride against the traffic too, no lights in the sidecar Deadly at night as it leaves the sidecar invisible and protruding on the 'wrong' side.
  10. The trials and tribulations of the sheeple..????‍♂️ We will be needing manuals soon as how to use escalators
  11. No kids... They are always bad news in some way or another. Even if they live far away.
  12. I will do my best to impersonate one.. 'I'm in it only for the money'
  13. No I don't have any sex.. Never felt better. Also....not being yoked with a low IQ, frivolous, irrational person works wonders too.
  14. Can imagine...wrinkly, broken voice from smoking and a raging harpy to boot.
  15. As if they care.. Money trumps everything
  16. Dumb<deleted> was posting on Facebook and giving out his location? ????‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♂️
  17. I bet they will resort to the most outrageous lies as to how these coke bags ended up in their stomachs ????‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♂️
  18. Geniuses are stupid (in things beyond their expertise) I wouldn't want to have a Convo with Einstein on anything, other than Physics. One trick ponies and all that. On the subject at hand (genius girls) See above ???? Plus..they are not coming for an old farang anyway.
  19. Short answer ..no. Majority of humanity are stupid fu##s. Even operating a spoon should require a license, let alone using mind-altering substances.
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