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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. yeah wow. SS covers all my expenses up front. In 2 weeks Iam back in for kidney removal.
  2. hahahaha. look at me. look at me.. . . . <deleted>.
  3. There is no end date. You move to a new address you lodge a new TM30.... takes a few mons online.
  4. I think him and his mates are lying about everything (like the majority of these bludgers seeking donations) and this whole thing is just a means to stooge a free holiday.
  5. Yeah true... more likely 5000 to 10000 times in the past 20yrs.
  6. I needed a few bags of blood earlier in the year, it was helicoptered from BKK to Sriracha (emergency surgery)... it was covered by social security. My total bill was 5.5 million for the stay... all covered by social security except for the private ward room and food... My work supplied insurance covered that. Social Security give you the money to pay the hospital and /or reimburse you for out of pocket expenses ?
  7. You think this should all be free ? "blood bags, test tubes, solutions required for blood group tests, blood separation, laboratory usage, storage, and quality control measures."
  8. Correct, some people are just too eager to start frothing at the mouth.
  9. Claims he did not buy because of a pre-existing knee injury.... sound like a BS excuse to not buy IMHO.
  10. Priscilla was not too bad when young but like all Asian women , the older they get the more they look like their mothers
  11. His company does, yes. https://www.choicegroupasia.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-cheeseman-7ba2412b/?originalSubdomain=th
  12. hahahahaha... must be one of them low IQ peeps gammaglobarse is talking about !

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