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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Yeah 6 is a bit ordinary. I did my extension last December.... in and out in under an hour.
  2. she was a tough <deleted> but I got there in the end.
  3. well thats one way to releive stress I guess.
  4. Yeah used to be a right pain in the anoos but as the years have gone by things have improved and I learnt to read/write/speak Thai as well... I reckon that alone was the biggest thing that makes my life fairly easy these day... for the menial stuff though, my assistant takes cars of all that.
  5. I came for work... the girls are a bonus. Hate the temples and food. Americans are ok, I love to visit there, really looking forward to SEMA and the NHRA Nevada Nationals this year.
  6. Fairly certain the only way to claim her is to marry her.
  7. Am keen to buy an EV.. looking for a Ora Goodcat secondhand at a decent price. I have a highly modified 4JJ3 engine and 6 speed sitting in the shed.... time to roll coal !
  8. A lot of them have insurance but whatever it was that lended em in hospital voided the coverage. Their family and friends wont reach into their pockets so scab from the public instead.
  9. Double sausage and egg mcmuffin and a coupla hashies go great the next morn after a big sesh on the tubes.
  10. Subway/Mcdonalds/Burger king are my go to choices with Foodpanda.
  11. Hey Champ, do you need a tissue to dry your eye ?
  12. Exactly.... chump change.
  13. Yeah not spoken to my sons in the past 30yrs.
  14. My condolences.
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