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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. and yet the Tide Pod challenge was embraced by many foolish <deleted>.
  2. The married ones are better but don't be duped into paying fuel for the husbands scoot when he delivers them.
  3. Well enforce something then.... Urging them not to drink drive is an utter Delete on another level. <deleted>.
  4. Ohh the poor isaan farmer cannot pay a fine, go soft on them then....... This is why the country is <deleted>. Pay the fines or go to jail. Not rocket science.
  5. Massive fines work (sorta) in other countries. Why is Thailand any different ?
  6. If you lend your car to a drink driver you too should feel the full wraith of the law. aiding and abetting is just as bad.
  7. Still crush em. the driver is still on the hook for repayments.... or declares bankruptcy. either way its gunna hurt their wallet.
  8. hahahahaha an assistance tent. Bet it has a card payment machine connected via hotspot !!
  9. Ive had a meat pie with mashed potato top but never a meat pie with mashed potato as a side. weird combo for sure, in which nationalities is this popular ?
  10. Once the buyers name is in the book he/she is the new owner. I'd tell them thanks but no thanks and find another buyer.
  11. Raptor will be available in either Petrol or diesel V6 engines, not sure if the 2.0 bi-turbo will be "base spec" Raptor though. 2.2 (and 3.2) are gone from the new model. Entry range and commercial models get the 2.0 single turbo.
  12. BBQ Grills Thailand has been linked twice in this thread, they sell them.
  13. My propane smoker has a cabinet thermometer which is great to know the temp inside the smoker, rather useless for the temp inside the meat though. I have a separate thermometer for that. https://www.bbqgrillsthai.com/product-category/inkbird-thermometers-and-accessories/
  14. My family all gathered yesterday for Xmas lunch back home as they/we do every year. Not being able to travel (well I can but what a ballache) I was able hook up with them on a teams meeting. They had me up on their big TV and I did the same here, was great to see them all together at the same time and wish them all a Merry Christmas and Prosperous new year face to face. This is grossly off topic though and should go to its own thread if someone thinks its worthy of a thread.
  15. Was half decent IMHO. https://www.royalcliff.com/new/christmas-lunch-buffet-2021-panorama/
  16. purchased a CNC router from aliexpress, arrived on my door step no issue other than having to co-ordinate a forklift to be here when the truck arrived.
  17. Maybe for some but me personally find them utterly useless. Saloon for the win, or an Estate.
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