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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. In what other countries does this world cup event take place ?
  2. Ralf001

    ATK rapid test

    I live close by to one establishment on the Darkside and have seen then swabs out testing customers before they enter. Cannot comment on all darkside eateries and their vigilance of enforcement but have also notice a few on facebook saying they have closed again for dine in as they refuse to test customers upon entry nor test staff daily.
  3. The govt knows how many restaurant licences have been issued.
  4. Yeah but if they are open as a bar then they are giving the middle finger to the police. If as a restaurant then legally allowed to do so.
  5. Friend was over for beers yesterday afternoon and he said massage shops were being closed again from Today. Anyone heard about this ?
  6. ohh ok. I recall attending a party last year with friends at a house, had to park not outside the house and music that night was at a lower level to be discreet... as gatherings were not allowed. Maybe Iam thinking another year.
  7. Your previous post you called out the 2.2 Ranger which is current model, the 2.2 will not make it into the next gen Ranger (coming end 1st quarter this year). Current T6 platform that is available on the marketplace today is code name P375 and predates the Ford/VW collaboration so has zero VW content. Next Gen Ranger code named P703 carries over the same basic T6 chassis but with significant changes to suspension pickup points, it will share very few components with VW (as sold as a Ranger).
  8. Your link has Libya @ 73.4 3 years ago (Thailand 2nd at 36.2). The link to another website I posted earlier has Libya @ 28.46 for 2021 (Thailand at 30.24). Huge improvement by Libya, Thailand needs to have a look to see how they did such an amazing job of cutting road deaths by nearly 2/3 rd's in such a short timeframe. Or the numbers are buffalo excrement.................
  9. You can also get the transfer documents from this very forum. Second post down has them linked. https://aseannow.com/topic/1147974-power-of-attorney-to-sell-car/
  10. Thailand does not make the top 20 of annual road deaths per 100k capita.
  11. He has people in place to enforce the traffic laws, They rarely do. He needs to replace them with more proactive people.
  12. Fantastic numbers and way below the typical daily average. Kudo's to the people making it happen, should be more of it all year round.
  13. Whilst i agree to an extent and I do avoid having food delivered. On occasion after a big night on the beverages and none of the licenced drivers in the house are fit to drive I have ordered some McDonald's sausage and egg Muffins to be delivered.
  14. I have 5 toilets in the house. More than welcome to use the one attached to the living room but not a chance would the delivery driver be shown one of the ensuite toilets.
  15. I consider myself to be human so absolutely would I let the driver in to use the toilet. No 20b tip for the delivery though.
  16. Correct, once money has been removed (or sucked back into the machine) then it dispenses card and receipt. did the OP also walk away without retrieving his card ? Story smell fishy.
  17. Love wikipedia, open source and editable by anyone. FWIW the data on that page is outdated.
  18. I have a Tokyo Marui G17 Gen 4. Same as this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meNzvJlAEbY&ab_channel=シューティングレンジTARGET-1
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