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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. The factory is only 3 years old, surprised a busted belt would shut the place down for 2 weeks.
  2. Can one get seriously ill, or even die from receiving a vaccine ?
  3. Not convinced they have access to decent ingredients to actually cook any type of meaningful cuisine.
  4. Today is payday, went off to do my monthly big shop. Credit card not work at eftpos. Debit card not work at ATM. I left two trolley's full of goods at the checkout.
  5. Incase you missed it... the post says Honda ADV.
  6. 8 beers in 1hr 27 mins is a damn solid effort !!
  7. People like me who know their limits and drive within them ? Last time I looked being under 0.05 was ok within the eyes of the law.
  8. Sounds like you should lobby the government to lower the legal limit than to get angry at someone who knowingly stays within the limit. BTW, 35 mins till beer O'Clock.. Yummy Yummy Leo 8 in my Tummy. Have a great day Khun Possum.
  9. Not a whole lot of grey area in your post. Whats the timeframe for consumption on those 5 and 8 beers ?
  10. And yet on many occasions I have been stopped and breathe tested and on every occasion Iam under the legal limit. go figure !!
  11. Yeah have heard it is illegal to have an open container in the car. Amusing story, approx 18 months ago instead of going straight home I had to stop at a friends workshop, on route had to stop at traffic lights, was sitting there waiting for the green drinking my beer, enjoying a cigarette and watching my favourite you tube channel playing on the 12" dash screen.... A policeman came of his box and walked up to my car pointing at me... not sure what he wanted until he came right up to the door.... Turns out he wanted a cigarette so I sat my beer down and handed him one.
  12. All good mate, FWIW I don't stop at two. I'll have a couple more during my evening activities (walk dog/laps in pool/cook dinner etc etc) before retiring to bed to watch a movie.
  13. I dont drink while riding the bike, it is too powerful and requires both hands on the bars at al times. I do drink a cold beer on my home from a long hard day at work, this beer is consumed by my whilst Iam the sole occupant of the vehicle. Not as though Iam blind rotten drunk behind the wheel. FWIW, Been through numerous police road stops and been breath tested on my way home from work (well not since they stopped the road blocks last year) and every time the police machine comes back with a reading well below 0.05%.
  14. A friend has done similar. Carbon fibre frame from China and fitted a Bafang M600 motor. Good for 60km/h and 80km range.
  15. Yeah I do drink and drive, Two cans each day on my way home from work. Was that not obvious in my previous post ?
  16. Still not seeing your point.
  17. Yeah drink driving is illegal, your point is ?
  18. Price spike because of covid ? $900 used to buy an 8 Ball.... bout 3 years ago.
  19. Indeed, like 7/11's, Family marts. Supermarkets, Mom and pop stores, ETC ETC ETC.
  20. What ban ? I buy 2 cans of Leo 8 at 5pm everyday (7/11) to enjoy on my drive home from work.
  21. Given the OP's is a new Village I suspect it is way way out on the darkside... the price paid also suggests this too.
  22. Iam vaccinated and are tested every Monday, am sure i can rustle up some proof should it be asked for.
  23. Gyms are not my thing and I don't do cinema's so cannot comment on those. Since the re-opening on the 1st I have been out to dinner twice, both times enjoyed a nice red with dinner.
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