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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. For medical reasons I wear a mask outdoors............... pretty funny aye.
  2. Most Thai's I know (Friends and work colleagues) still wear masks. They dont give a sheet about covid though, they still wear masks because of the air pollution..... much like they did pre-covid on high pollution days.
  3. lazada perhaps ? Front rotor Bt1100 Rear Rotor Bt1000
  4. Whats the issue with the notepad ?
  5. So its a PX2 Ranger fitted with the grille and front bumper from a PX3 Ranger. Nothing unremarkable about that... but falsifying the green book.. There is more to this story.
  6. Your talking about 3rd class insurance which only covers the liability to third parties (property damage and bodily injury) when the driver is at fault.
  7. She can fight the extradition order here and have it tied up in the legal system for months/years.
  8. I moved to Pattaya 17 years ago in 2006. Buakhao was fairly well built up by then........ so yeah in 3 years in 3 yrs it built up quickly indeed !!
  9. Tubtim was heading to work when the incident happened................... at 6.00am. I doubt alcohol was involved.
  10. I don't have a self insurance card. Gravely ill and not wanting to wait for health insurance to approve funding I gave her my credit card.
  11. Ralf001

    Gold Shop.

    Good for you Bro.
  12. Pattaya private hospital I recently stayed in ICU for a few days. Bout 5 mins after being place on a gurney in ER I had an admin lady come round asking for a 50k deposit. This is before any diagnostic work was done.
  13. Nookies Delight Website. Nookies Delight price list. I notice the price list does not have beinz baked beans listed.
  14. And yet here we are, you replying to with nothing but conjecture. To answer my question accurately the answer is : we do not know
  15. She had insurance up until the point of voiding that policy by climbing aboard the scoot and ride it way.
  16. I thought the requirement was to carry identification......................not specifically ones passport.
  17. Be interesting to see the bike deaths per city stats for the whole of Thailand. Doubt Bangkok or Pattaya make the top 5.
  18. I thought it would be more than 17250 a year. Do you have any stats on how many millions ride a bike/scooter daily ? lets say that 17250 come from a pool of 5 million (71 million peeps in Thailand.. my 5 million number is very conservative) annual bike/scoot riders. Thats like 0.0035 %...............in the grand scheme of things, F-All.
  19. Explains why I thought the place was decent for a government hospital !! I did not know it was my SS hospital, HR Lady at work registered me there years ago apparently.
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