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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Have eaten this McD slop here. Doubt the meat is beef.
  2. she ended up in the burns unit at a public hospital..
  3. You sure ? Toyota Thailand still list the Legender. https://www.toyota.co.th/model-list?tab=suv#
  4. The smarter among us know that not all public hospitals can treat all medical issues. The non smarter whinge they were refused service.
  5. Righto. so you were not refused treatment then as you alluded to. thanks for the long winded reply.
  6. Happy to use both depending on medical reason. Clinics are great, quick and well priced for small issues.
  7. I had a toe that required removal. As I have health insurance I went to my local private hospital. After much faffing about (including take my blood pressure) I finally saw a medical professional whom inspected my toe nail, agree'd it needed removal. I was then escorted to a cashier to make payment before removal, bill total Bt.9,000. Whilst my insurance covered the cost I felt 9k was taking the <deleted> on a higher level. I declined and left. Stopped at a local clinic in my soi, removal done in 10 minutes.... total cost Bt.280, inc free dressing for 7 days.
  8. So your complaint is the local hospitals were not equipped to treat the condition or they refused to do so ? what are you doing to yourself to have a retina detach multiple times ?
  9. That lack of available covid test in the USA has nothing to do with Thailand's entry requirements. Which part of this are you struggling with ?
  10. Nothing to do with Thailand and it allowing people to enter or not.
  11. Thailand is not preventing unvax'd tourists from entering.
  12. for 5k and hour she'd wanna be laying pure gold turds on my chest.
  13. Indeed, thats why many nigh time venues during covid re-licenced as a restaurant in order to re-open their doors. I wonder if they have re-licence back to be a night time venue or are they operating illegally ?
  14. It was legally allowed to open as the restaurant it was licenced for..... but restaurants don't catch fire do they !!
  15. I don't know any un-vaccinated people that have traveled to Thailand.
  16. Which people were complaining ? and the carpark thing again 555 !!
  17. Unvaccinated Travelers – Before coming to Thailand, unvaccinated travelers need to complete an RT-PCR or Professional Antigen (Pro-ATK) test through a clinic or medical professional. The test result must be issued within 72 hours before departing for Thailand.
  18. The majority of tourists would not be out in a bar/club/pub at midnight let alone 4am.
  19. As she is a citizen of Serbia I assume she is kicking back relaxing in her Belgrade mansion.
  20. Thai police are paid very poor salaries, only way to reduce/remove corruption is to pay them more.
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