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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Living with two women my house resembles a chinese laundry... will be happy to see the end of rainy season.
  2. Ahhh, out in the country. I could not find any statistics claiming 80% live 3km from coast... 85% live 50km from coast is a common find though.
  3. How far from the coast are the back blocks ?
  4. Yeah wow, My post mentioned Pro-ATK....... if you bothered to read it.
  5. Cannot say I have knowingly eaten troll, thats not to say I have not though.
  6. Girls like to add ice to beer, do you also sprinkle in a little salt ?
  7. Hard to do from a bottle.
  8. Their little clubhouse on Soi Khao Noi got raided about 2 months, huge amount of police involved from what I saw as I drove past. Place has remained shut since.
  9. Same, seems kinda weird to pour it out of a glass container and into a glass container.
  10. Hahahahaha called out on your <deleted> so you chuck a hissy fit !! Need a tissue Bro ?
  11. He was granted bail... No finagle about it.
  12. Yeah crazy over there. I sold my mothers house in 2019 for 800k, it sold again last month for 1.4 with no improvements.
  13. KFC here is much like Thai food... Utter sht.
  14. Can I buy a Kia Stinger here ?
  15. she has real deep pockets and can comfortably do what ever she pleases. I know many Thai people (that have pockets very much not as deep) living around the world and they could not give zero fecks for Thailand.... why should she be any different.
  16. This morning (like every Sunday morning) had a fantastic massage, 2 hrs cost 300b at my house. I have a no phone in room policy.
  17. Standalone, not really. but I was not comparing boiled rice to the McD's menu.
  18. My bad, boiled white rice is ok but thats hardly a thai dish.
  19. Thai food is rancid sht, McD's is a step up.
  20. Yeah, both Vietnam dog and McD's Thailand taste like wet cardboard with pepper and salt added.
  21. Its a tarted up old model. front looks terrible IMHO.
  22. Toyota design their website so that people viewing in Thailand have different results........... How Bizarre.
  23. Ive eaten dog meat in Vietnam, McD's has the same/similar texture and flavour.
  24. Interesting, the picture I added was a screenshot of the link I included..... clearly shows a Legender.
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