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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. Geography probably plays a big part in that. South and South Western England would have a strong Romano Anglo Saxon influence. Mainly an Italian Germanic influence with Danish/French from the Norman influence also. More Western and North Western English like yourself from Liverpool would be more Celtic influenced, with a lesser mix of the additional influences.
  2. It's not a Percentage matter, it's a Personality matter.
  3. The Anglos originated from a Denmark/Germanic area of Europe called Anglia or Engel in old English (German dialect)
  4. Would you have intervened if you thought your friend was handling the motorbike incorrectly.
  5. The people need to accept the Democratic process. Two parties have put aside their differences for the good of the country when Pita's minority party was unable to form a strong coalition. Maybe if he had stepped aside earlier with all the accusations about him, then this impasse wouldn't have dragged on so long. The new coalition needs to be commended for their efforts.
  6. You quote my post, but edit my username to headgame. Do you seriously expect anyone to accept that weed doesn't rot the brain. Try to bear in mind that I used to smoke an ounce a week of Amsterdam grade weed 10 years ago. So don't mistake me foe someone that is ill informed or unexperienced.
  7. A man is dead, it's no laughing matter. No doubt you're drugged off your head and think this unfortunate mans death is hilarious.
  8. It would cost you a lot more as the 5 people would beat you to a pulp.
  9. How many more deaths or mental breakdown episodes are required before this evil drug is banned again.
  10. I would not only choose, but I would marry a girl between 90 to 100 years old. Why ? In my country, once a spouse dies, the surviving partner gets a widows pension of €220.00 per week (8,200+Bht) This is not means tested, but is taxable. So I could continue to work and not lose it. The only way to lose it is by re-marrying or co-habiting with a new partner.
  11. Yours was the first response and it serves no other purpose other than negativity.
  12. And in the bible Abraham lived to 175
  13. The recycled copper wire from the overhead poles would probably pay for the new setup. But I doubt that 1 Satang of that money will return to the project coffers.
  14. Grandparents looking after children in the village whilst the younger generation go out working was the natural order worldwide for thousands of years. Grandparents have life experience so would be best placed to pass this on to the younger generation. It also gives them purpose when no longer able to work in the fields or hunt. Breakdown in society is the root cause of social issues in some youths. Not Grandparents.
  15. You speak to me all the time and look at my name..... nah nah na na naaaaaah
  16. In the UK the victim would get a substantial compensation payout. In Thailand, they wouldn't have a leg to stand on. I'll get me coat......
  17. If a person wishes to pay the price, let them. If not, then go elsewhere. Personal choice
  18. This is their country and generally speaking foreign tourists have more money. What is the purpose of having tourists other than having them spend money to support the economy
  19. The price hasn't gone up in 15 years. Nobody can complain about the increase in this case.
  20. Would you marry the type of girl who would be willing to marry a monger ?
  21. The chainsaw must have slipped and hit his head after he died.
  22. He apparently went into the deep end without being able to swim. What consequences should there be ? When I was growing up my friends and I swam in multiple spots in nearby rivers. We never saw a lifeguard until baywatch came on TV, none of us drowned. Stop expecting the world to mollycoddle you.
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