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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. In a sense they are
  2. A few hundred years ago, they said that about people who said the earth wasn't flat.
  3. Thinking about your own demise What difference will that make ?
  4. As the movie title said. "No country for old men" At least not in the tourist zones. But if you live among a good family in rural Thailand, they are different.
  5. A friend got involved in a mild altercation with another expat, as a result of the exchange, a retaliation occurred which was completely excessive," It sounds like your "friends" mouth started a fight that his body couldn't back up. Police involvement usually ends with a 500bht fine each. But may be different depending on the video
  6. It's a house, not Fort Knox. The thieves broke in. It's what thieves do.
  7. For such an expert, you seem to hold the Farangs to be a higher class of person, simply for being farang males. The reality is that most of them spend most of their time propping up bars and being drunk every night. I would also say that the girls are more willing to leave the bar behind than the men. Most of the ladies have a poor educational background, but so do the customers You say it is very easy for you to spot ex bar girls. It is very easy, they are normally found with male bar flies.
  8. Absolutely wonderful idea. Having the whole police force standing to attention all evening in Bali Hai means they can't be doing anything elsewhere.
  9. My guess is that the fall was gravity assisted.
  10. I thought it was another Trangender post on chemical castration for the LGBQTSD+=&%AE£@ crowd
  11. A Thai lady dies and leaves her land to her foreign husband. The law says foreigners cannot own Land. Foreigner argues that he doesn't use the land, he hasn't planted any crops on it. The law says foreigners cannot own Land. End of Story, no exceptions.
  12. Try reading it again "They had a wedding ceremony but did not sign an official marriage certification."
  13. As a person who is from an Irish Catholic background. I know for a fact that tbe redemptorists are a sect/faction of Catholic priests. To hear them being described as a Leading International Organisation is a puzzling description. I'm not saying they are bad, but call a spade a spade.
  14. Is that $100 K or did you mean €100. As for the OP. Just stop giving everyone money, unless it's for goods or services you want. The leeches will soon vanish.
  15. Got taken for a fool ? Anytime I walked from Pattaya to Jomtien I only saved 10 Bht. This bloke cleared 71 k
  16. UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) It was created in 2004. Currently (2019), 246 cities make up this network which aims towards a common objective of placing creativity and cultural industries at the heart of their development plans at the local level and cooperating actively at the international level. The UNESCO Creative Cities aims to achieve Sustainable Development Goals through innovative thinking and action. Also, cities are championing sustainable development actions that directly benefit communities at the urban level. Sustainable Development Goal 11 aims for Sustainable Cities and Communities. The network covers seven creative fields: crafts and folk arts, media arts, film, design, gastronomy, literature and music. https://www.drishtiias.com/daily-updates/daily-news-analysis/unesco-s-network-of-creative-cities#:~:text=UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) 1 It was,through innovative thinking and action. ... More items
  17. I've walked from Pattaya to Jomtien many times, but cannot see where they get 33 km from ? "Valentine raised 71,000 baht for the foundation by walking 33 kilometres from Pattaya to Jomtien Beach on Valentine’s Day,"
  18. How is it a good idea? The vast majority of people coming out of prison don't have 2 Satang to rub together. Who is supposed to pay to keep them fed and found for a year. Maybe you are suggesting that wealthy influential people should get special treatment.
  19. His party has only 151/500. The only way he will be PM is he makes a deal with the Shinawatras who the Asset Scrutiny Commission was setup to investigate.
  20. He's not the PM. He doesn't even come close to having a majority. Prosecuting crimes is the job of the judiciary not politicans cheap talk with no backup. Maybe if he ever achieves anything, then he can talk. My guess is, if he becomes PM, then in a few years the membership of AN who now sing his praises will be lambasting him in the same manner as they do Prayut today. History always repeats, whether people learn from it or not. We are a creature of habit.
  21. I'd rather slit my throat from ear to ear and carry my stuff in my neck rather than carry a bag.
  22. So much for the "Move Forward Party" Starting off by dwelling in the past. Pathetic.
  23. Those shares were just resting in his account, until he found time to move them along.
  24. Yeah, but on the day most of them will say "Phuck it, I'll go tomorrow"
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