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Posts posted by klikster

  1. Having read so many "for the money" & "poor education" comments ...

    Wife (55) has a niece, late 20's, who want's a farang husband -- "like loong klikster". facepalm.gif

    Mother (my SIL) is Isaan, father from wealthy Supan Buri Chinese family. She is quite an attractive and personable young woman -- master's degree in computer science, works as a computer programmer for the health ministry in BKK. She has a new car and her own home.

    FWIW, I'm pushing 75 and a fair bit overweight.

    It ain't all about $$$$$$ every time.

  2. Hi Mr. Edmonds. I to am a embassy warden. In fact the original embassy warden. I am also a life member of VFW in Pattaya. Qualified due to my service with Marine Recon in Vietnam and also my Bronze Star/With V and purple heart. Years back I tried to start a branch of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) here in Thailand, so can definitely appreciate all the work you have to go through. We couldn't jump through enough hoops for the MOPH to be able to start a branch here, so it fell through. sad.png You can add me to your list even though I will never make it up there for a meeting as I'm now bed ridden and flat on my a** in Pattaya. I will send you an email with my particulars. Best of luck and hang in there.

    Hey Jeep,

    Would love to have one of your wife's bacon burgers.smile.png

    Semper Fi from an old Army acquaintance - and sorry to hear about your health problems.

  3. Didn't he sell his MPs to Thaksin?

    Not really. NAP moved to TRT and they got a couple of portfolios. When the army removed Chatchai the little boy Korbsak (Moved from CTP to Democrat Party) and he got a portfolio in the Chuan Lekpai government.

    I think you mean Chatichai (not Chatchai) .. and he was originally "arrested" by Gen. Kaset of the RTAF aboard his private plane. Gen. Kaset then informed RTA general Suchinda who maneuvered his way to be PM.

    Story was that Chatichai and just signed a document that would have brought the Thai military under civilian control.

  4. Most, if not all, we think we know about CIA ops during Vietnam came via stories told at Madrid Bar in Patpong. I had a number of conversations with Jack Shirley -- and believed most of what I heard. He was normally good at confirming or denying stories.

    > One of the more interesting, IMO, was that Tony Poe (who I never had the privilege to meet) went to Tibet to escort the Dali Lama out of the country.

    > Jack Shirley was the only "civilian" to command a SF "A" Team

    > Tony Poe returned to the US (San Francisco?) because of a disinheritance threat from his aging mother.

  5. Udorn Thani Province was not only a big air base but later was the local headquarters of the CIA run by Bill Lear and Pat Landry. Their assistant was Jack Shirley. They moved the headquarters for the local operation from Vientiane for political reasons.

    I think you mean Bill Lair.

  6. All that high tech stuff plus the CIA.

    The movies make it look easy but how hard is it to drop some military hard nuts on parachutes and do the rescue.

    From what I read a lot of these so called ISIS terrorists are what Boris Johnson called the other day.


    There were previous attempts to free hostages, not all were successful.

    Movies are not reality, or so I've heard.

    Remember the attempt that SF made to liberate Son Tay POW camp in North Vietnam? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C6%A1n_T%C3%A2y_prison_camp

    But leave it to Chuck Norris to have accomplished the mission in Hollywood. wink.png

    I might recall incorrectly, but in military circles the Son Tay raid[ers] were in a manner successful. The problem was, of course, the POWs were moved. But the mission was executed flawlessly, as I recall. I worked with and for some of the Son Tay raiders some years ago. My understanding was they were lauded because of execution; but their was faulty intel.

    From what I remember reading it was near perfect, but stuff dis happen. This interview with one of the Son Tay raiders tell's a pretty good tale. http://www.historynet.com/interview-with-sergeant-terry-buckler-about-the-son-tay-prison-camp-raid-during-the-vietnam-war.htm

    BTW, I should have added, 'But Chuck Norris and his team couldn't hold a candle to a dozen TVF commandos.' wink.png

  7. All that high tech stuff plus the CIA.

    The movies make it look easy but how hard is it to drop some military hard nuts on parachutes and do the rescue.

    Drop some "military hard nuts on parachutes" ..

    Among a gaggle of hundreds/thousands well-armed & murderous nut cases?

    "Do the rescue" may sound easy, but --

    Would you care to join the first plane load of "hard nuts" or the rescuers?

    Well they found some to take out Bin Laden on Obamas watch which is more than Cheney and Rumsfeld managed.

    Totally different situation -- but I think you knew that.

    Got nothing to do with politics, more to do with tactics and body count.

  8. This is a diagram posted on TV a while back (can't remember who posted it)...

    Tank can be at ground level, underground, (or raised, if city pressure is sufficient).

    200W-300W pump should give plenty of flow for showers etc.

    I set up our system like this, but would recommend really checking out the check-valve. Ours failed after about 3 months and was pumping in a loop. The very nice looking bronze body check valve had a tiny carbon steel pin holding the disk. It rusted and broke.

  9. All that high tech stuff plus the CIA.

    The movies make it look easy but how hard is it to drop some military hard nuts on parachutes and do the rescue.

    Drop some "military hard nuts on parachutes" ..

    Among a gaggle of hundreds/thousands well-armed & murderous nut cases?

    "Do the rescue" may sound easy, but --

    Would you care to join the first plane load of "hard nuts" or the rescuers?

    • Like 2
  10. One time when I moved -- BKK to Cha am -- one Thai buddy just drove down to a market area and found a pickup. Find someone who can read Thai to go along and talk to them about details. Look for large pickups, or trucks, that have sideboards and see if you can spot a sign. Don't pay in advance.

    I bought lunch and they moved everything out of my rented condo in BKK and into a rented condo in Cha am -- rather than just setting it off the truck.

    I realize that yours is a much longer haul.

  11. It is everywhere now.

    No more reporting at a different office when traveling around the country. It is be home for it or do a mail in report.

    Big headache for some people because some offices are denying them even if you change your address.

    My immigration office at KK advised me that when I moved to get a 'change of address package' at my old office at Dan Singkorn. DS did on for me and the KK office never blinked.

    However, when I moved to Korat -- then back to KK, no one seemed to think it was necessary.

    Doesn't hurt to ask.

  12. I suffered the Korat Imm for almost 3 years, plus had a drive of about 1 hour each way. So normally a full day required.

    Then we moved and built in Khon Kaen. WOW!

    The office is just off Mittiphap, plenty of parking, seldom busy -- and 15 min from our house. For the present, KK allows wife to do 90 day reports. Extensions have been pretty quick .. 20 -30 min.

  13. Obama never should have traded Bowe Bergdahl for 5 major terrorists. However, it is too late to do anything about that now. IMO, if there is no evidence that he is a traitor, I believe that he should be charged as a deserter and then given a slap on the hand. He was probably in fear for his life the whole time in captivity and has already been through enough.

    Who are you and what have you done with UG? facepalm.gif

    Which man in combat, even a combat situation, is not in fear for his life? Fear is no excuse for walking away from your post and putting your team in danger.

    No evidence that he is a traitor? He was not captured. He volunteered to "join" his captors. Seems to me that gave he "gave aid and comfort to the enemy".

    Would those 5 major terrorists have been released is it had not been for the Bergdahl swap?

    Slap on the hand, not enough IMO. Some jail time seems appropriate. How about -- the same amount of time he spent with the enemy?

  14. No VPN required.

    Another feature I discovered -- a day or so after the game, several "stripped" options are available. One removes everything except the "play". You can watch a game in about 30 - 40 minutes. But you have to pay attention. smile.png

    Do they do a stripped version that keeps the commercials and removes the "play"?


    Learn to read!

    "One removes everything except the "play"."

    Do your own research and please leave your silliness in another thread.

    You didn't answer my question, there is no need to be so rude. The Superbowl commercials are excellent, I just don't want to sit through four hours of crap to watch them.

    Nor will I answer as I believe you were trolling.

  15. No VPN required.

    Another feature I discovered -- a day or so after the game, several "stripped" options are available. One removes everything except the "play". You can watch a game in about 30 - 40 minutes. But you have to pay attention. smile.png

    Do they do a stripped version that keeps the commercials and removes the "play"?


    Learn to read!

    "One removes everything except the "play"."

    Do your own research and please leave your silliness in another thread.

  16. No VPN required.

    Another feature I discovered -- a day or so after the game, several "stripped" options are available. One removes everything except the "play". You can watch a game in about 30 - 40 minutes. But you have to pay attention. smile.png

    Thanks for that

    As far as the "stripped options", you will have to closet yourself so that you don't know the outcome. Easy to do with the playoffs here in Thailand but not so easy for the Superbowl

    You're welcome.

    It's also a bit of a problem when watching live, assuming you plan on watching multiple replay games after the fact. Banners on the screen show scores of other games and you get an occasional comment from announcers.

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