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Posts posted by klikster

  1. No VPN required.

    Another feature I discovered -- a day or so after the game, several "stripped" options are available. One removes everything except the "play". You can watch a game in about 30 - 40 minutes. But you have to pay attention. smile.png

  2. Just finished this kitchen using plastic cabinets inserts (no bug problems) . Basicly concrete block and slab covered by tiles


    No toe kick at the bottom. I do like the louvers

    No need for toe kick at the bottom.....base is all tile over concrete (white tiles) with the white plastic door and drawer inserts from Home Pro

    A "toe kick" is for comfort while working at counter, not for scuff prevention.

  3. I downloaded the newer version of Popcorn Time but had to uninstall (I used REVO uninstaller) the existing one -- it wouldn't update. Seems to work okay for movies in english, but couldn't find any with Thai subtitles.

    Saw a notice that Time4Popcorn had adware included.

    I also have XBMC and like it better for series.

    Has anyone tried out ZONA ? It looks like a really super application -- but -- I started to downloaded it from their home page here but got scared off by a Malware alert form Spybot. The Zona FAQ has a section on --

    Instructions for configuring Dr. Web, Eset Nod 32 and AVG.

  4. there are a lot of living cost elements to consider such as health insurance, visa and visa renewal costs etc. As a guide I would go by the requirement for retirement or married visa which requires you to demonstrate a THB 800,000 in a thai bank account. this is clearly what the authorities consider to be the amount required by a Farang to live in LOS for 1 year. This equates to THB 67,000/month (USD 2,222/month).

    DAMN!!! w00t.gif

  5. Oh, yea. Phoenix is a looks like a really nice add-on.

    Anybody find any add-ons the Thai family can use? They really like watching movies actually dubbed in Thai, not so much the sub-titled versions.

    uPlayHD addon has movies subtitled (not dubbed) in Thai.

    Under which addon category can find this one?

  6. I think it should be pointed out that the people swim from Cuba to the USA not the reverse.

    You're joking, right? The list of humans who have made the swim from Florida to Cuba is very short!

    Maybe you should point out a list of Cubans who have made the swim to Florida.

  7. This touches a bit of my personal history. The "Cuban Crisis" of '62 is what made me decide to enlist in the US Army. Lots of folks thought there might be a war.

    A war involving Cuba didn't happen, but an "action" in Vietnam did.

    IMO, good relations between the US & Cuba is a very good thing. It's about time. Actually it was time decades ago.

    • Like 1
  8. Our new place is in a normally quiet neighborhood of KK, Umphur Muang. The soi in front of our place has very modest vehicular traffic and, as a result, has quite a number of regular walkers, joggers, neighborhood dogs doing the rounds. I see the same folks on a regular basis.

    Two nearby neighbors have dogs. One has 3 (poodle, German Shepherd, ?), another has 2 Dobermans.

    The "threesome" start a frenzy of barking on a "very regular" basis. The Dobermans are very well trained and we never hear them.

    What's the difference? The owner!

    I will get a "device" and start trying to let them know their barking is not appreciated. If that p***es off the owner, all the better.

  9. An interesting article for those with an open mind; http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/09/senate-committee-cia-torture-does-not-work

    "The report finds that CIA detainees subjected to what were then called “enhanced interrogation techniques” either produced no intelligence, or they “fabricated information, resulting in faulty intelligence”. It says that the CIA’s own interrogators “assessed that the most effective method for acquiring intelligence from detainees, including from detainees the CIA considered to be the most ‘high-value’, was to confront the detainees with information already acquired by the intelligence community”.

    “This is an authoritative conclusion,” said Philippe Sands, a law professor at University College, London and the author of Torture Team, an account of how torture came to be used increasingly on al-Qaida suspects in the wake of 9/11. “The Senate intelligence commission has been looking into this for several years. I know that they went into it with an open mind. Those who were engaged in the analysis followed the evidence. What it confirmed is what I was always told by US military psychologists, that torture produces information, but it does not produce reliable information.”"

    More 'food for thought' http://edition.cnn.com/2014/12/09/politics/cia-reports-shocking-passages/

    I guess I grew up thinking that we were supposed to show more character than them.

    • Like 2
  10. True power in Thailand has always existed outside of elected government(s). You will know a reform effort is serious when [by virtue of constitution and laws] the military is placed firmly under civilian control, all authority to govern is clearly vested in elected representatives and an effective set of checks and balances is adopted and subsequently respected. Short of this, Thai "democracy" will remain a sham.

    That's what Chatachai was trying to do when he was arrested.

  11. "Moving air with fans also causes the air to make more contact with the floor which is typically cooler."

    I'm assuming you are talking about large ceiling fans. If so, I'm with you up to this point, but --

    "This cools the air and thus cools the room."

    Any air that gets temporarily cooled by contact with the floor is then mixed with the warmer air at the ceiling and the result is as described above. Difficult to get something for nothing.

    As for geothermal, you seem to have conceptualized a system that is impossible to create -- except in theory. A prime example of wishful thinking is --

    "One simple small pump similar to something in a fish tank would be all it takes to move the water around and help cool the house."

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