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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. I loved pot, smoked it for 20 years + plus had a go on all the other stuff Never an issue, in moderation. Gave up pot the same day as I quit smoking tobacco. 23 years ago, I had no real choice, as one joint, would mean, back on 40 red Marlboro a day. ( just can't do that) weed had to go. Don't get me wrong, I'm pro legalize all drugs and let people smoke what ever they want. outside or in there own home, vape, cigarettes, old rope, hash/grass. Enjoy, you only live once, despite what some try and tell you. ,
  2. I like the analogy. Not sure if I would fight them for a 100 baht. Probably not But then again, after a few beers.
  3. I keep substantial funds in banks here. ( for major emergencies ) But still won't give it to an agent. ( no way hosay ) I'm still youngish and in good health, I'm happy to wait in line and smile sneer at them. when finished and I pick up passport with a new extension in it. ( when I was doing extension at Jomtien, that is ) I also think, (not say you), The majority of agent users for retirement extensions, don't truly have the funds to be here. but some will have you believe allsorts on this forum.
  4. Orinoco

    spanner size?

    Maybe cross threaded then forced the rest of the way on. many moons ago by a Somchai.
  5. Giving 265 quid ( 10,600 baht ) to an agent, no thank you. That's two afternoons down Soi 6. A much better place to spend the money.
  6. Orinoco

    spanner size?

    Its plastic on metal , so no, it will be easy.
  7. Orinoco

    spanner size?

    Ok if all else don't work. Undo the white plastic nut,( jam the tap above first to stop movement. ) Pull tap up, cut tap around thread area. with hacksaw. The rest should be easy.
  8. Yes, Yes, that's enough about bar girls, what about the dogs.
  9. They legalize pot but you can't vape. Just nuts. Or are the Tabaco companies behind it all.
  10. Your agent fixed it with the bank before you went in. That's why.
  11. But not for some.
  12. Got anymore, Or you off for the 5th jump today or was it something else
  13. You get more hilarious by the post
  14. Looks like the Air force's day for Pants down. Thailand officials just can't keep them up at the moment. Who's turn will it be tomorrow.
  15. Yes a little bit of an eye opener, about some posters on this thread. I'm surprised.
  16. Love the wording. The best free bee you can get.
  17. I suspect it's not for you. how's the council flat in Scunthorpe going.
  18. Have you proof of that ? Also the TM-30 enforcement is very resent,
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